And why am I starting to feel Milo Ventimiglia? Or however the hell you spell that. Well, maybe not feeling him, but Peter Petrelli. Yeah, I know, the whiny whimpy empath hospice nurse. Heh. But, c'mon hot and rough foreplay fighting with Sylar? A girl could get used to that. He even broke my boy's, Sylar's neck! Poor BB! But Sylar got him back by killing Papa Petrelli for him. Hey! Didn't I call it!? I said that Sylar would be the one to do it, but, the outcome of that killing was a bit surprising. And didn't Sylar cushion Peter's fall from the window? Awwww... so cute? Well, he was under the impression that they were brothers at the time, but still. :D
And I said before that I did see a Monica/Peter fic that I really loved, so now I'm on the hunt for that as well.
WHYYYY are all my fic hunts so futile, especially the ones of the het variety. Good thing that there is still Mylar for all of my slashy needs. Because I'm totally out of Orlando Bloom, Elijah Wood and Dom Monaghan now, no more LOTR boys to play with. Though, the big Aussie, Bana is still hanging around. I think he was one of the first and probably will outlast everyone else. Hmmmm... Nero/Spock anyone??
I've already got a taste for Nero/Uhura.
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