Sunday, July 26, 2009


Two miles run baby! This is a big deal for me, because one, I'm not a runner and two I hate running. I think it's boring. Well in an effort to get the blood pumping in the old veins, I tested myself to see how far I could jog/run without stopping. My first efforts revealed about a mile which was shocking. I didn't think I could do it. That took about 12 minutes. Then I tried again the next day and squeezed out (barely) two miles. I'm glad for the treadmill because it kept me going as a certain pace that I'm not sure I would have been able to keep up on my own. But I was so pleased and very surprised that I could do that. So right now, two miles is my comfortable limit. I was really plodding hard and starting to stitch up trying to complete it the first time. But, yay, a goal to overcome!

Went to the track for my old high school yesterday early morning. There were more than a few people doing the circuit, which was surprising too. But, I untangled my headphones, flicked on the ipod and started right up. I walked around twice, then jogged/ran around three times, then walked once and ran at a higher speed once. Total 7 times around. It's not an Olympic sized track, but you know, regular high school fare, and it's in my estimate that it would take about two to three, maybe 4 times around to be one mile. I looked for distance signs posted, but there were none except for the markings for xx meters, start finish and what not.

While I am interested in distance, I'm also interested in maintaining a certain pace of jogging for a length of time. So naturally if my time spent jogging increases, so will my distance and eventually my speed.

I'm not hating it right now and I was actually excited to go yesterday. We'll see how long this thrill lasts. Speaking of which, I definitely have to put new songs on the ipod. Boring music makes my mind wander, which probably isn't a bad thing. I kept thinking about Sylar/Peter for some reason and then drifted back to Zoe. Mmm ;)

But, it's hard to figure out what songs to put on there. I want something hard and driving that will encourage me to keep up speed... also longer songs, because the more breaks in the music the more distracted. But nothing too monotonous as I would start to tune it out. Eh, I'll find something.

Mood: : Wanting more

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