So cute together. She's got fab legs! Yep, I'm a Maya/Sylar shipper ;) That dress is banging. I would look good in that! *wants*
So cute! I've always liked Leonard :) Love Jones.
I read a spanking fic between Sylar and HRG. Man, it was fantastic. Lots of daddy!kink and mmmm HRG got a great pummeling hand ;) Sylar got his arse worn out. Jack Coleman is surprisingly hot though. And that guy next to him, hmm well... he's ok :)
I miss her though. I liked her character, though I wish they hadn't blown her hair out for those last few episodes. I liked it curly. Peter did too ;)
Doggie! I don't normally like little dogs, but this one is so cute. Look at his bright black eyes and teeny feetses! *pinches*
Sendhil! I like your teeth :) *chuckles*
Mmmm the boys playing rough again. how much did I love that scene where Peter jabs the needle into Sylar's tender underjaw. That was flippin hot. So, I thought that if the needle was long enough, Peter could have punched up through the underside of his tongue and just injected the drug directly into Sylar's mouth. Or, he would have just injected it directly into Sylar's tongue or tongue root, depending on the length of the steel. Heh... I just like thinking about it :) Now, did Peter have the driver taken them for a little ride, while he violated the unconscious Sylar? Or did they yank them both out of the car to take Sylar up to the flat to replace Nathan? I'd like to think the former. C'mon! There's always time to violate Sylar.
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