Vacuumed and lovely and everything in its place. Now onto tackling laundry.
I also have a Sylar moodtheme... for LJ, but that really doesn't make a difference being that I'm barely there, but it was too cute to pass up. So. I loaded it and yeah... there you go. Hey, I can use it here for my own devious purposes. Lovely.
I'm in the mood to make some icons as well, but well... see above with the no lj stuff. I'll tell you one thing, I am so much happier *NOT* being on LJ. At first it was the best place to be and then after a while the drama, the hurt feelings, Oh god. I'll definitely lurk and read the fic that I want and perhaps comment, but other than that, anything that I post will be here and comment free. Yay!
Much better. Much, much better.
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