Oh, there was one more thing I wanted to add that had annoyed me. The truth be told, I hate Disney and its corporation. yes, I know, hate is a strong word, but believe me, I don't use it lightly. I was excited to hear that there was going to *finally* be a Black Disney Princess. Let me preface that statement by saying, it was *not* important to me that there be a black princess in the least, because I hate that racist Disney crap. But, with that aside, I thought it was nice to see a representation of me in a fairy-tale, fantasy way as all of the "princesses" have been portrayed.
But it seems that good ole' Disney has pulled a bait and switch. Yes, you get your princess, but oh gee well... it looks like we ran out of brown ink so oops, let's just use all of this green paint and make her a frog for most of the movie. I will say that it's not clear how much of the movie she will appear as a frog, but from the trailer, it seems like it will be a large chunk of time.
I will withhold a final judgment until I actually see it, but I don't hold out hope. Oh another thing, it's set in New Orleans in the 1920s (guessing here) with the scary voodoo and Cajuns and dancing/singing shuffling blacks. Oh happy day.
(An aside about the scene in my mood theme. Were the writers actually implying that Sylar would consider having sex with himself? That, *that* would be a viable fantasy of his? Now, that's a story in the making. I wonder if I could find that in rare-slash. Man those bastards are twisted. I like it)
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