Saturday, July 4, 2009

The sex has made me stupid

I came across this vid. I really love the jerkiness in the beginning, (especially 6-8 sec mark. It almost looks like Sylar's about to pop-lock haha!) which the vidder chose not to continue throughout, though I think could have been thrown in a little for good measure. Overall, pretty enjoyable. Sylar/Peter goodness as well, so what more can you ask for.

Went to the beach yesterday and to my dismay found that you can't watch videos on the touch outside because of the glare (?) reflection. I dunno. Bah. Dumb. I won't go into the shitty company that I had at the beach, because it's just going to make me mad. Needless to say that I won't be going back to that beach house again. Waste of time.

I'd been mulling over what to do with Ida's character... why did she wash up in India and I think I've come up with something! I've been reading up about Oya and think it would be a wonderful match. Why didn't I think of that before? Yay. I have a mission.

Mood: : Inspired

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