Smiling at the audience that was slowly collecting around Nichelle, Dana turned back to watch where she was going. There was equipment and wires and people everywhere! It was lunch time and the line wound out of the catering tent. She came to a stop behind a tall burly worker and sighed. Her stomach gurgled and she contemplated just going off site to grab something fresh to eat, rather than use up her meal time waiting in line.
Up ahead she could see Noah talking animatedly to his stand-in. She couldn't see anyone else that she recognized. Well... a few, but she knew that she didn't know them well enough to ask for cuts.
Having such a small part in the ensemble didn't make for a popular player around the set. Respected, maybe, but popular, no. A few of the other main actors always had to pause, snap their fingers and point at her in an effort to job their memory of her name. She would then always smile and remind them, only to have to do it once again when they met up again.
Dana sighed again and folded her arms to ward off the insidious chill. She thought about the jacket she'd left at the edge of the kitchen set and her decision to go after it faded as the line behind her grew. She'd never make it back in time to get food, to eat it and then be back for her call time. She shivered and rubbed her arms through the thin pink sweater.
The line moved slowly, trudged ahead as if it were in agony and her stomach growled louder. She rubbed her arms and danced a little in place in an effort to keep warm. The man standing behind her offered his hoodie. He was wearing two and anyway the line looked to be stalling.
Dana accepted it and wrapped up in it, chasing the fleeting warmth left by his body.
"Come on," she muttered just when the line moved and then stopped again.
The scent of the food was maddening and she no longer cared what it tasted like. She just had to get something in her empty stomach. Something hot, something, anything!
Some of the people standing behind her in line began to express their displeasure at the wait and even some started to wander off in search of their meals elsewhere. Some people ahead of her left apparently to do the same. She trotted up to close the gap and someone slipped in behind her.
"Smells good," he said.
She turned and a smile flickered across her lips. He wasn't the person that she wanted to see right then, but it was still nice to see him again.
"Well, if it isn't Mr. Quinto, himself," she said using her alter ego's southern drawl.
He chuckled and pushed his glasses up higher on his nose.
"Working for Foley now, huh?" he asked.
Foley? She wasn't sure what that was, or why he said it so she glanced at him over her shoulder.
He pointed to her back, and read aloud the words stenciled on the gray cotton hoodie.
"Grin and beat it; Foley."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
She was puzzled.
"The back of your hoodie."
It suddenly dawned on her and she smacked her forehead.
"Oh... oh! Oh right. Um, no this guy... gave it to me. I'll have to give it back to him."
She looked around Zach to see that the man who had been so generous with his clothing was nowhere to be seen.
"Maybe. I'll give it back to him, that is."
"Right," said Zach and then looked over her head towards the opening of the tent.
They were getting closer.
"I'm sure you can just go ahead of us, considering," she said, unable to keep the little bit of derision and jealousy out of her voice.
He caught onto it and shrugged one shoulder.
"Maybe," he said but didn't move.
"Maybe? Maybe... come on. Go. You probably don't have much time."
"I don't," he answered and irritation coloured his voice. "But, I'm not going to walk all over the people waiting here."
"Mmm," she hummed, feeling quite chided.
There was nothing like pissing off Mr. Top Billing.
"Besides. I like the company."
This time he sounded amused and she laughed quietly, flushed with the knowledge that if given half the chance she would do naughty things to him. But he had been nothing but kind and generous to her, although they shared no scenes or story lines. He had made an effort to stop for conversation when he saw her and he wasn't in a hurry, (as he did with most everyone) for which Dana was grateful.
"Well, you're gonna be cursing me when you don't get something to eat and you're starving while doing that finger thing that you do."
"Hey, it's art in the making," Zach protested lightly tapping the back of her head with a finger.
"Yeah right, art," she grinned.
Dana turned around fully to face him. Lowering her brows and her head so that she peered menacingly up at him, she lifted her finger and imitated Sylar's trademark move; slicing an imaginary line across the top of Zach's forehead.
Zach couldn't help laughing at her serious face. He gestured with a jerk of his chin to the gap in the line behind her.
"Shove up," he said.
She turned and did just that.
"That was pretty good," Zach said, indicating her performance.
She laughed and shook her head.
"I ought to be shot for that. Besides... you do it so much better."
Zach flicked his thick eyebrows upward in response and grinned that little private grin of his.
The open tent flaps were within reach and she silently congratulated herself to sticking to it when she crossed over into the warm, delicious smelling canvas tent. Zach pushed up against her from behind and peered around at the people milling about, standing, eating and talking. He then ducked out again, because there really was no room for him to squeeze in behind her. Dana glanced back at him and in a moment of hunger fueled weakness, she reached back and dragged him inside, pushing him up in front of her.
"Go, go," she urged.
But he wasn't having any of it. He grabbed her hand and pulled her up close to him. He then wrapped an arm about her thin shoulders and held her tight.
Jesus he was warm, she thought tucking her hands beneath his heavy jacket and against his narrow torso.
She knew that the main cast was a touchy bunch, but she never thought it would spill over to the second string players as well. Dana tried not to wallow in his heat and curl her body around him. She held herself away, for the most part, but doing that was uncomfortable. She leaned her head against the bony part of his shoulder and together they tromped the rest of the way up to the edge of the first tables where he finally released her.
She checked her watch.
There was not much time left, so she piled a cardboard carry out box full of pasta, salad, bread and some sort of white sauce before grabbing a cola which she stuck in the pocket of her hoodie so that she could carry back a large bottled water.
Once clear, Dana beat a hasty retreat back through the rows of trailers and back to her own set. At least she could eat and be near when filming started again. But her plans fell through when Sylar fell into step beside her.
"Off in a hurry, I see," he observed, his voice low and conspiratorial.
The prospect of having hot food emboldened her and she grinned up at him.
"Oh yes. Am I to think that you have some place better for me to be?" she asked.
The gin that parted his lips was slow and inviting and Dana felt herself responding to his invitation as she had done many times before.
Zach tipped his head toward the row of trailers just ahead and she knew exactly where to go. The trailer door was unlocked and she used the strange sideways handle to hoist herself up on the bottom step and into the cool interior. Zach followed her in and when he closed and locked the door behind him, the little hand written sign reading "Sylar" which had been taped to the outside fluttered in the breeze.
Zach cleared off the dining area, dumping the papers onto the fold out couch so that they had space to put their take away cartons. He turned to rinse his hands at the sink and before he could make a move, Dana jumped up onto his back and twined her legs about his waist.
"Helluva thing," she growled, biting the upper edge of his ear. "Pretending."
Pretending that they weren't doing what they were doing. Pretending that they were merely coworkers and not part time using each other for a quick fuck.
Grabbing her high up under her thighs, he pulled her legs apart, but she didn't loosen her arms. He spun quickly and her momentum sucked her backwards where she landed with an oof! on the couch, crumpling papers beneath her bottom.
"We do it all of the time," he challenged, grabbing her upraised wrists when she jumped up and lunged at him again. "It's all apart of the job."
Twisting his hands a little, he turned her body and yanked her back against him, her arms now crossed and trapped over her chest. Zach leaned down and nuzzled her throat. He licked her exposed collar and bit her lightly where her shoulder muscle met the edge of her neck. She gasped and her knees buckled. He quickly caught her hard about the waist and pulled her upright again.
He slid his other hand down over her breast and belly to lightly ghost over the inside seam of her trousers. Dana wriggled and he shoved her away, slapping her ass as she stumbled forward. Her lips parted into a wild smile and she glanced at him over her shoulder. Dana leapt up onto the springy couch, not caring that she crushed important documents and script revisions. She was eye level with him now and when he eased close enough, she slid her arms about his neck and drew him into a kiss all teeth and tongue until he responded greedily, reaching under her to grip her backside with both hands.
Zach drew her up and carried her over to the highest surface in the small trailer; the counter right next to the stove. She would have laughed aloud at his implication and his confidence if she hadn't been busy unbuckling his belt and working his trousers down over his narrow hips.
Zach made a low noise in his throat and she looked up into his face. There was color high in his cheeks and his eyes were soft and glassy. He looked as if he still didn't believe that she would give herself over so willingly to this tryst. She lifted her hands and cupped his scratchy cheeks. He grinned in response and dipped his head to meet her kiss.
Her fingers tightening in his hair urged him on and she let out a long groaning sigh as he pushed into her wet heat.
"'s good," Dana whispered and he caught her sweet bottom lip between his teeth. "Keep going... oh, keep on..."
He pulled her closer, finding that familiar rhythm that he knew would thrill them both.
"I-- I will... I will," he promised breathlessly.
... sleepy now. I'll read it over later. tbc
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