I finally got my "The end of Mr. Y" book after waiting, what 2 weeks? Geez. The "Tamil Pulp Fiction" came in about 3 days. Maybe because I paid full price for that one and the other one I paid only a few cents plus outrageous shipping. I mean, come one, a book can't weigh that much, you're just gouging. Anyway, I read a few pages of it and it seems ok, but that's the thing. You can love the first few chapters of a book and then it all goes down hill from there. That's not so nice. I remember reading "Crimson Rivers" and loving, loving, loving it, hoping it was going to have some supernatural twist at the end and what happened? It was just some meddling by parents to pair their children up by having them engage in nearly every activity together, like sitting across from each other during study hall, so that they would form an attachment and finally marry.
Talk about being disappointed by a sorry end to a promising premise.
So, let's hope that Mr. Y doesn't make me fling it across the room. Yep, I've done that once with a book that disgusted me so I couldn't stand to look at it anymore, so I threw it across my bedroom, satisfied with the thunk it made when it hit the wall.
Someone wrote heroes fanfic with Monica and Peter. Hmmm... unlikely and very short, but I really enjoyed it. There was also one with Monica and Matt which was hella cute, but that's beside the point. I really dug the M/P one and it was set while all the heroes were in hiding and Peter was an EMT. It wasn't much and didn't delve into why they were meeting, but it sparked my imagination. I fancied myself trying to flesh out a fic for them, but lately, I haven't been able to muster the interest to write anything other than a few sentences.
And I'm sorry to say, even the "Chennai" fic that I as so hot to write is fading fast. This is really a recent occurrence. I've been ok with keeping up with a story, but lately... meh. I wonder what's going on. Am I that bored with myself? I know I do need a shake up and that shake up might be in the form of a townhome or house. I spoke to a Realtor and just need to get a loan approved *fingers crossed*
We'll see how that goes.
And... just because:
Now you begin to wonder. Ok, he's kinda cute there and maybe interesting looking enough that you'd like to ask him out for coffee (I like nerds), but if I actually saw him on the street, would I even look twice? Hmmmm...
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