Oya can be invoked for change, strength, leadership, authority, courage, justice, weather spells, ancestor-worship, grief, truth, power, magick, protection...
A Ritual for Change
by Heathwitch
Requirements: Dark red or purple candles, sandalwood incense, an offering to Oya, pen, paper and dark red or purple ribbon.
Before you start, think of some changes you'd like to make in your life. It could be one change, or several. When you are ready and have them fixed in your mind, cast your circle in your usual way and light the candles and incense. Invoke Oya with the following words:
Oya, Lady of Storms,
Oya, Bringer of Change,
Oya, Warrior of Women,
You who commmand the winds
And protect the souls of the dead
You whose domain is the tornado, the storm, the thunder,
I ask for you to join me here tonight
And help me bring positive change and action into my life
Hail, Oya, Lady of Storms!
Once you feel Oya's presence, sit and talk to her (aloud or silently, whatever you're comfortable with) about the changes you would like to make in your life. These could be small changes or large changes. Focus on the positive aspects of these changes. Pause after each change to hear Oya's words of aid and wisdom. Then think about each change and how you're going to achieve it.
On the paper, write down the first change you want to make. Then, once you have listened to Oya and considered your actions, write down how you're going to achieve this. Then determine a realistic timescale and make a note of that, too. Then move on to the next change.
When you've finished writing out the changes, actions and dates, read your list aloud. As you do so, visualise yourself making these changes successfully. When you come to read out the dates, pledge them to Oya using the following format: "I, [name], pledge to complete this change by [date], in the name of Oya, Lady of Storms and Change."
When you have finished reading aloud, roll up the paper and tie with the ribbon. Carefully drop some wax from one of the candles on top of the ribbon's knot to seal the package. Place this on your altar as a reminder.
Take up your offering to Oya. Thank you for Her presence and aid during your ritual. Ask Her to continue to help you as you actively make the changes in your life. If you wish to spend some more time with Oya, to see if She has any more advice for you, you can do a meditation with Her now if you wish. When you are ready, thank Oya again and say goodbye to Her using the following words:
Oya, Lady of Storms,
Oya, Bringer of Change,
Oya, Warrior of Women,
You who command the winds
And protect the souls of the dead
You whose domain is the tornado, the storm, the thunder,
I thank you for your presence tonight
Your wise words, listening ear, and instigation of change.
Hail, Oya, and Farewell!
Take up your circle in your usual way. Should you need an extra boost while you're completing your changes, or want to instigate some more, then you can use this ritual again to call on Oya's powerful energy.
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