Anyway, seeing A&D available for viewing made me think about the fic I was writing in response to seeing TDC. About the Templar Knights in the modern world facing another threat to the Magdelene's bones in the form of the mythical Edison Plate. I made up the Edison Plate, of course and it's all very spooky and supernatural. I enjoyed writing it. Now, it's still unfinished and pretty much in pieces, meaning that I'd write disjointed sections that needed to be stitched together. I do that a lot because when I write, I don't necessarily follow a straight stream of thought from beginning to end, but I write in "scenes". And sometimes those scenes can run right into each other, sometimes they don't. Most of the time they don't. :) And when they don't, there in lies my biggest problem as a writer as I don't have much of an idea how to bridge the gaps and then I lose interest in doing so.
Another story falls by the wayside. Like I said in an earlier post, I'm glad I don't make a living writing.
Anyway, I want to pick the story up again. Maybe this time I can actually finish it up. It's pretty long right now as I was quite inspired (haha) so why not.
So, let's hope that A&D is as good as or better than the first movie. I hope so, but my track record regarding movies and their quality isn't very good.
Oh! Apparently ST is coming out in November. Geez, I hope someone can rip a copy and upload it. I'm tired of the one that's floating around now. And, that's surprises me. Considering how big ST was when it was out, I'm surprised that there weren't better copies flying around. *shrugs*
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