Well, what the hell is this post about then?
Heh, well... since I know that no one is reading this, I don't have an audience to play to, so I'm safe and free to say what I'd dreamed about last night. Fucking Quinto. Well not the act of fucking him, but, him being in the dream. Why? I don't know. I didn't invite him in, he just showed up. In the form of Sylar no less. Haven't watched Heroes in a while, so I guess the brain is just making shit up for me to watch. It does that... a lot!
The dream was based on the episode about the eclipse and from what it seemed, I was taking the place of Elle. No no no, not the good part where the two of them were having a go at it on the floor in that house, oh no, I had to come in after she gets shot in the thigh. Lovely. My dreams play out like movies. Exactly. Where there are long shots and close shots and then "shots" where it's from my perspective as I see them. Through my eyes so to speak in a video game first person sense.
So we do the whole, bandaging me up in the shop, long shot, where I can see him crouched in front of me, me bleeding all over the white floor and all the junk on the shelves behind me. Then we're stumbling through some Wallmart type store trying to get clean clothes and people are staring at us. He plants me in the women's section for a moment and then goes off to get something for himself. Then out of no where security pounces on me, two guys and start to drag me off. Then I'm screaming to him for help, he comes running back.
....zzzzz this is boring me, haha! Some other stuff happens but I can't be arsed to write it down. It was a good idea, wyn, to journal the dreams but fuck it. I want some tea and I have to get to work.
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