Friday, July 31, 2009
Friday Fabulousness
Cool. I used my job's neat color printer and printed out the first volume of "The Losers". It's available online as a pdf. It's ok, I think I have to read it over again. I just merely skimmed it the first time online. So I'll take time to read it thoroughly this weekend. I've got white cheddar popcorn and a hankering to watch Sylar get stabbed in the back of the head over and over. God, I just love that sudden look of surprise and pain that crosses his face when it happens. Hmmm... methinks that's probably a sick problem but, yay!
: Sick in the head
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Le Sigh
Right, so I'm doing this eHarmony at the behest of my sister and frankly, it's depressing. It's depressing and discouraging and I'm sorry that I spent the money on it. I've got a subscription for another six months and hmmm that reminds me, I need to cancel so that it doesn't automatically re-up. Brb...
Ok out of nearly 50 matches they sent to me, I probably liked about one or two with a few more in the "maybe" pile. But, the men are just so damn ugly and plain and bleh. Now that I think about it, this "perfect matching" scheme is just that, a scheme. People will not be truthful during that survey. Hell, I wasn't even fully truthful. *laughs* And dudes will try to make themselves out to be something they're not, because some of those profiles were too good to be true and some were just like "eh, I don't care and I don't care enough to put up a photo."
And don't give me that crap that oh, you'll be so wowed by someone's personality profile (which might not even be accurate) that you won't care what they look like because you'll be matched right down to your cuticles. Ummm.... right and the Goddess gave us eyes for nothing.
I got a comment when one so called matched closed the open communication saying that he didn't see any chemistry there. Bzuh? What does that mean, you didn't even meet me. How much chemistry can you get from a few bullsnot words? He probably thought I was too ugly and because there isn't an option to say that the match was repulsive, he picked the chemistry... or lack of chemistry there of. Haha. I really don't care, because he wasn't a looker at all. And even if he was, I'm not about to lose sleep over some guy I don't even know and wouldn't care to know after I'd met him.
So yep, this matching is pretty piss poor in my opinion and I can't wait until my time runs out.
: Disappointed and out of money
Ok out of nearly 50 matches they sent to me, I probably liked about one or two with a few more in the "maybe" pile. But, the men are just so damn ugly and plain and bleh. Now that I think about it, this "perfect matching" scheme is just that, a scheme. People will not be truthful during that survey. Hell, I wasn't even fully truthful. *laughs* And dudes will try to make themselves out to be something they're not, because some of those profiles were too good to be true and some were just like "eh, I don't care and I don't care enough to put up a photo."
And don't give me that crap that oh, you'll be so wowed by someone's personality profile (which might not even be accurate) that you won't care what they look like because you'll be matched right down to your cuticles. Ummm.... right and the Goddess gave us eyes for nothing.
I got a comment when one so called matched closed the open communication saying that he didn't see any chemistry there. Bzuh? What does that mean, you didn't even meet me. How much chemistry can you get from a few bullsnot words? He probably thought I was too ugly and because there isn't an option to say that the match was repulsive, he picked the chemistry... or lack of chemistry there of. Haha. I really don't care, because he wasn't a looker at all. And even if he was, I'm not about to lose sleep over some guy I don't even know and wouldn't care to know after I'd met him.
So yep, this matching is pretty piss poor in my opinion and I can't wait until my time runs out.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Who doesn't want to be a loser?
What? What?! They're making a movie of this? With my girl Zoe as Aisha? Fabulous.
Man, I like Chris Evans, but if they had shoe horned a little QUINTOOOO into this movie, I would be in heaven.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Fic: Catering
Dana wandered through the long white trailers to the catering tent. Finding it was easy; for all she had to do was to follow her nose. The food smelled wonderful, but in her experience most catered food only looked and smelled good. Tasting good was another story. In the distance she saw Madame Nichols standing with two younger men that Dana didn't recognize, but who looked enthralled with her nonetheless. Dana could understand. Working with such a legendary actress was like a dream. She wanted to hang onto the woman's gauzy sleeve and follow her around like a puppy if only to soak up the leftover attention Nichelle got on a regular basis.
Smiling at the audience that was slowly collecting around Nichelle, Dana turned back to watch where she was going. There was equipment and wires and people everywhere! It was lunch time and the line wound out of the catering tent. She came to a stop behind a tall burly worker and sighed. Her stomach gurgled and she contemplated just going off site to grab something fresh to eat, rather than use up her meal time waiting in line.
Up ahead she could see Noah talking animatedly to his stand-in. She couldn't see anyone else that she recognized. Well... a few, but she knew that she didn't know them well enough to ask for cuts.
Having such a small part in the ensemble didn't make for a popular player around the set. Respected, maybe, but popular, no. A few of the other main actors always had to pause, snap their fingers and point at her in an effort to job their memory of her name. She would then always smile and remind them, only to have to do it once again when they met up again.
Dana sighed again and folded her arms to ward off the insidious chill. She thought about the jacket she'd left at the edge of the kitchen set and her decision to go after it faded as the line behind her grew. She'd never make it back in time to get food, to eat it and then be back for her call time. She shivered and rubbed her arms through the thin pink sweater.
The line moved slowly, trudged ahead as if it were in agony and her stomach growled louder. She rubbed her arms and danced a little in place in an effort to keep warm. The man standing behind her offered his hoodie. He was wearing two and anyway the line looked to be stalling.
Dana accepted it and wrapped up in it, chasing the fleeting warmth left by his body.
"Come on," she muttered just when the line moved and then stopped again.
The scent of the food was maddening and she no longer cared what it tasted like. She just had to get something in her empty stomach. Something hot, something, anything!
Some of the people standing behind her in line began to express their displeasure at the wait and even some started to wander off in search of their meals elsewhere. Some people ahead of her left apparently to do the same. She trotted up to close the gap and someone slipped in behind her.
"Smells good," he said.
She turned and a smile flickered across her lips. He wasn't the person that she wanted to see right then, but it was still nice to see him again.
"Well, if it isn't Mr. Quinto, himself," she said using her alter ego's southern drawl.
He chuckled and pushed his glasses up higher on his nose.
"Working for Foley now, huh?" he asked.
Foley? She wasn't sure what that was, or why he said it so she glanced at him over her shoulder.
He pointed to her back, and read aloud the words stenciled on the gray cotton hoodie.
"Grin and beat it; Foley."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
She was puzzled.
"The back of your hoodie."
It suddenly dawned on her and she smacked her forehead.
"Oh... oh! Oh right. Um, no this guy... gave it to me. I'll have to give it back to him."
She looked around Zach to see that the man who had been so generous with his clothing was nowhere to be seen.
"Maybe. I'll give it back to him, that is."
"Right," said Zach and then looked over her head towards the opening of the tent.
They were getting closer.
"I'm sure you can just go ahead of us, considering," she said, unable to keep the little bit of derision and jealousy out of her voice.
He caught onto it and shrugged one shoulder.
"Maybe," he said but didn't move.
"Maybe? Maybe... come on. Go. You probably don't have much time."
"I don't," he answered and irritation coloured his voice. "But, I'm not going to walk all over the people waiting here."
"Mmm," she hummed, feeling quite chided.
There was nothing like pissing off Mr. Top Billing.
"Besides. I like the company."
This time he sounded amused and she laughed quietly, flushed with the knowledge that if given half the chance she would do naughty things to him. But he had been nothing but kind and generous to her, although they shared no scenes or story lines. He had made an effort to stop for conversation when he saw her and he wasn't in a hurry, (as he did with most everyone) for which Dana was grateful.
"Well, you're gonna be cursing me when you don't get something to eat and you're starving while doing that finger thing that you do."
"Hey, it's art in the making," Zach protested lightly tapping the back of her head with a finger.
"Yeah right, art," she grinned.
Dana turned around fully to face him. Lowering her brows and her head so that she peered menacingly up at him, she lifted her finger and imitated Sylar's trademark move; slicing an imaginary line across the top of Zach's forehead.
Zach couldn't help laughing at her serious face. He gestured with a jerk of his chin to the gap in the line behind her.
"Shove up," he said.
She turned and did just that.
"That was pretty good," Zach said, indicating her performance.
She laughed and shook her head.
"I ought to be shot for that. Besides... you do it so much better."
Zach flicked his thick eyebrows upward in response and grinned that little private grin of his.
The open tent flaps were within reach and she silently congratulated herself to sticking to it when she crossed over into the warm, delicious smelling canvas tent. Zach pushed up against her from behind and peered around at the people milling about, standing, eating and talking. He then ducked out again, because there really was no room for him to squeeze in behind her. Dana glanced back at him and in a moment of hunger fueled weakness, she reached back and dragged him inside, pushing him up in front of her.
"Go, go," she urged.
But he wasn't having any of it. He grabbed her hand and pulled her up close to him. He then wrapped an arm about her thin shoulders and held her tight.
Jesus he was warm, she thought tucking her hands beneath his heavy jacket and against his narrow torso.
She knew that the main cast was a touchy bunch, but she never thought it would spill over to the second string players as well. Dana tried not to wallow in his heat and curl her body around him. She held herself away, for the most part, but doing that was uncomfortable. She leaned her head against the bony part of his shoulder and together they tromped the rest of the way up to the edge of the first tables where he finally released her.
She checked her watch.
There was not much time left, so she piled a cardboard carry out box full of pasta, salad, bread and some sort of white sauce before grabbing a cola which she stuck in the pocket of her hoodie so that she could carry back a large bottled water.
Once clear, Dana beat a hasty retreat back through the rows of trailers and back to her own set. At least she could eat and be near when filming started again. But her plans fell through when Sylar fell into step beside her.
"Off in a hurry, I see," he observed, his voice low and conspiratorial.
The prospect of having hot food emboldened her and she grinned up at him.
"Oh yes. Am I to think that you have some place better for me to be?" she asked.
The gin that parted his lips was slow and inviting and Dana felt herself responding to his invitation as she had done many times before.
Zach tipped his head toward the row of trailers just ahead and she knew exactly where to go. The trailer door was unlocked and she used the strange sideways handle to hoist herself up on the bottom step and into the cool interior. Zach followed her in and when he closed and locked the door behind him, the little hand written sign reading "Sylar" which had been taped to the outside fluttered in the breeze.
Zach cleared off the dining area, dumping the papers onto the fold out couch so that they had space to put their take away cartons. He turned to rinse his hands at the sink and before he could make a move, Dana jumped up onto his back and twined her legs about his waist.
"Helluva thing," she growled, biting the upper edge of his ear. "Pretending."
Pretending that they weren't doing what they were doing. Pretending that they were merely coworkers and not part time using each other for a quick fuck.
Grabbing her high up under her thighs, he pulled her legs apart, but she didn't loosen her arms. He spun quickly and her momentum sucked her backwards where she landed with an oof! on the couch, crumpling papers beneath her bottom.
"We do it all of the time," he challenged, grabbing her upraised wrists when she jumped up and lunged at him again. "It's all apart of the job."
Twisting his hands a little, he turned her body and yanked her back against him, her arms now crossed and trapped over her chest. Zach leaned down and nuzzled her throat. He licked her exposed collar and bit her lightly where her shoulder muscle met the edge of her neck. She gasped and her knees buckled. He quickly caught her hard about the waist and pulled her upright again.
He slid his other hand down over her breast and belly to lightly ghost over the inside seam of her trousers. Dana wriggled and he shoved her away, slapping her ass as she stumbled forward. Her lips parted into a wild smile and she glanced at him over her shoulder. Dana leapt up onto the springy couch, not caring that she crushed important documents and script revisions. She was eye level with him now and when he eased close enough, she slid her arms about his neck and drew him into a kiss all teeth and tongue until he responded greedily, reaching under her to grip her backside with both hands.
Zach drew her up and carried her over to the highest surface in the small trailer; the counter right next to the stove. She would have laughed aloud at his implication and his confidence if she hadn't been busy unbuckling his belt and working his trousers down over his narrow hips.
Zach made a low noise in his throat and she looked up into his face. There was color high in his cheeks and his eyes were soft and glassy. He looked as if he still didn't believe that she would give herself over so willingly to this tryst. She lifted her hands and cupped his scratchy cheeks. He grinned in response and dipped his head to meet her kiss.
Her fingers tightening in his hair urged him on and she let out a long groaning sigh as he pushed into her wet heat.
"'s good," Dana whispered and he caught her sweet bottom lip between his teeth. "Keep going... oh, keep on..."
He pulled her closer, finding that familiar rhythm that he knew would thrill them both.
"I-- I will... I will," he promised breathlessly.
... sleepy now. I'll read it over later. tbc
: Just messing around
Smiling at the audience that was slowly collecting around Nichelle, Dana turned back to watch where she was going. There was equipment and wires and people everywhere! It was lunch time and the line wound out of the catering tent. She came to a stop behind a tall burly worker and sighed. Her stomach gurgled and she contemplated just going off site to grab something fresh to eat, rather than use up her meal time waiting in line.
Up ahead she could see Noah talking animatedly to his stand-in. She couldn't see anyone else that she recognized. Well... a few, but she knew that she didn't know them well enough to ask for cuts.
Having such a small part in the ensemble didn't make for a popular player around the set. Respected, maybe, but popular, no. A few of the other main actors always had to pause, snap their fingers and point at her in an effort to job their memory of her name. She would then always smile and remind them, only to have to do it once again when they met up again.
Dana sighed again and folded her arms to ward off the insidious chill. She thought about the jacket she'd left at the edge of the kitchen set and her decision to go after it faded as the line behind her grew. She'd never make it back in time to get food, to eat it and then be back for her call time. She shivered and rubbed her arms through the thin pink sweater.
The line moved slowly, trudged ahead as if it were in agony and her stomach growled louder. She rubbed her arms and danced a little in place in an effort to keep warm. The man standing behind her offered his hoodie. He was wearing two and anyway the line looked to be stalling.
Dana accepted it and wrapped up in it, chasing the fleeting warmth left by his body.
"Come on," she muttered just when the line moved and then stopped again.
The scent of the food was maddening and she no longer cared what it tasted like. She just had to get something in her empty stomach. Something hot, something, anything!
Some of the people standing behind her in line began to express their displeasure at the wait and even some started to wander off in search of their meals elsewhere. Some people ahead of her left apparently to do the same. She trotted up to close the gap and someone slipped in behind her.
"Smells good," he said.
She turned and a smile flickered across her lips. He wasn't the person that she wanted to see right then, but it was still nice to see him again.
"Well, if it isn't Mr. Quinto, himself," she said using her alter ego's southern drawl.
He chuckled and pushed his glasses up higher on his nose.
"Working for Foley now, huh?" he asked.
Foley? She wasn't sure what that was, or why he said it so she glanced at him over her shoulder.
He pointed to her back, and read aloud the words stenciled on the gray cotton hoodie.
"Grin and beat it; Foley."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
She was puzzled.
"The back of your hoodie."
It suddenly dawned on her and she smacked her forehead.
"Oh... oh! Oh right. Um, no this guy... gave it to me. I'll have to give it back to him."
She looked around Zach to see that the man who had been so generous with his clothing was nowhere to be seen.
"Maybe. I'll give it back to him, that is."
"Right," said Zach and then looked over her head towards the opening of the tent.
They were getting closer.
"I'm sure you can just go ahead of us, considering," she said, unable to keep the little bit of derision and jealousy out of her voice.
He caught onto it and shrugged one shoulder.
"Maybe," he said but didn't move.
"Maybe? Maybe... come on. Go. You probably don't have much time."
"I don't," he answered and irritation coloured his voice. "But, I'm not going to walk all over the people waiting here."
"Mmm," she hummed, feeling quite chided.
There was nothing like pissing off Mr. Top Billing.
"Besides. I like the company."
This time he sounded amused and she laughed quietly, flushed with the knowledge that if given half the chance she would do naughty things to him. But he had been nothing but kind and generous to her, although they shared no scenes or story lines. He had made an effort to stop for conversation when he saw her and he wasn't in a hurry, (as he did with most everyone) for which Dana was grateful.
"Well, you're gonna be cursing me when you don't get something to eat and you're starving while doing that finger thing that you do."
"Hey, it's art in the making," Zach protested lightly tapping the back of her head with a finger.
"Yeah right, art," she grinned.
Dana turned around fully to face him. Lowering her brows and her head so that she peered menacingly up at him, she lifted her finger and imitated Sylar's trademark move; slicing an imaginary line across the top of Zach's forehead.
Zach couldn't help laughing at her serious face. He gestured with a jerk of his chin to the gap in the line behind her.
"Shove up," he said.
She turned and did just that.
"That was pretty good," Zach said, indicating her performance.
She laughed and shook her head.
"I ought to be shot for that. Besides... you do it so much better."
Zach flicked his thick eyebrows upward in response and grinned that little private grin of his.
The open tent flaps were within reach and she silently congratulated herself to sticking to it when she crossed over into the warm, delicious smelling canvas tent. Zach pushed up against her from behind and peered around at the people milling about, standing, eating and talking. He then ducked out again, because there really was no room for him to squeeze in behind her. Dana glanced back at him and in a moment of hunger fueled weakness, she reached back and dragged him inside, pushing him up in front of her.
"Go, go," she urged.
But he wasn't having any of it. He grabbed her hand and pulled her up close to him. He then wrapped an arm about her thin shoulders and held her tight.
Jesus he was warm, she thought tucking her hands beneath his heavy jacket and against his narrow torso.
She knew that the main cast was a touchy bunch, but she never thought it would spill over to the second string players as well. Dana tried not to wallow in his heat and curl her body around him. She held herself away, for the most part, but doing that was uncomfortable. She leaned her head against the bony part of his shoulder and together they tromped the rest of the way up to the edge of the first tables where he finally released her.
She checked her watch.
There was not much time left, so she piled a cardboard carry out box full of pasta, salad, bread and some sort of white sauce before grabbing a cola which she stuck in the pocket of her hoodie so that she could carry back a large bottled water.
Once clear, Dana beat a hasty retreat back through the rows of trailers and back to her own set. At least she could eat and be near when filming started again. But her plans fell through when Sylar fell into step beside her.
"Off in a hurry, I see," he observed, his voice low and conspiratorial.
The prospect of having hot food emboldened her and she grinned up at him.
"Oh yes. Am I to think that you have some place better for me to be?" she asked.
The gin that parted his lips was slow and inviting and Dana felt herself responding to his invitation as she had done many times before.
Zach tipped his head toward the row of trailers just ahead and she knew exactly where to go. The trailer door was unlocked and she used the strange sideways handle to hoist herself up on the bottom step and into the cool interior. Zach followed her in and when he closed and locked the door behind him, the little hand written sign reading "Sylar" which had been taped to the outside fluttered in the breeze.
Zach cleared off the dining area, dumping the papers onto the fold out couch so that they had space to put their take away cartons. He turned to rinse his hands at the sink and before he could make a move, Dana jumped up onto his back and twined her legs about his waist.
"Helluva thing," she growled, biting the upper edge of his ear. "Pretending."
Pretending that they weren't doing what they were doing. Pretending that they were merely coworkers and not part time using each other for a quick fuck.
Grabbing her high up under her thighs, he pulled her legs apart, but she didn't loosen her arms. He spun quickly and her momentum sucked her backwards where she landed with an oof! on the couch, crumpling papers beneath her bottom.
"We do it all of the time," he challenged, grabbing her upraised wrists when she jumped up and lunged at him again. "It's all apart of the job."
Twisting his hands a little, he turned her body and yanked her back against him, her arms now crossed and trapped over her chest. Zach leaned down and nuzzled her throat. He licked her exposed collar and bit her lightly where her shoulder muscle met the edge of her neck. She gasped and her knees buckled. He quickly caught her hard about the waist and pulled her upright again.
He slid his other hand down over her breast and belly to lightly ghost over the inside seam of her trousers. Dana wriggled and he shoved her away, slapping her ass as she stumbled forward. Her lips parted into a wild smile and she glanced at him over her shoulder. Dana leapt up onto the springy couch, not caring that she crushed important documents and script revisions. She was eye level with him now and when he eased close enough, she slid her arms about his neck and drew him into a kiss all teeth and tongue until he responded greedily, reaching under her to grip her backside with both hands.
Zach drew her up and carried her over to the highest surface in the small trailer; the counter right next to the stove. She would have laughed aloud at his implication and his confidence if she hadn't been busy unbuckling his belt and working his trousers down over his narrow hips.
Zach made a low noise in his throat and she looked up into his face. There was color high in his cheeks and his eyes were soft and glassy. He looked as if he still didn't believe that she would give herself over so willingly to this tryst. She lifted her hands and cupped his scratchy cheeks. He grinned in response and dipped his head to meet her kiss.
Her fingers tightening in his hair urged him on and she let out a long groaning sigh as he pushed into her wet heat.
"'s good," Dana whispered and he caught her sweet bottom lip between his teeth. "Keep going... oh, keep on..."
He pulled her closer, finding that familiar rhythm that he knew would thrill them both.
"I-- I will... I will," he promised breathlessly.
... sleepy now. I'll read it over later. tbc
dana davis,
dana/zach rps,
zachary quinto
Tuesday already?
Haha, when I typed in the subject line with what I was going to say, I saw the exact statement pop up in the drop down box. Am I that predictable?! *laughs*
Rest day today. My shins are starting to bother me. I know, I know, I pushed it the last week or so, and now I have to stop and pay for it. So, I took today off, and probably tomorrow... but I'll still work out with some weights. Bulk up and such.
And please... please why are there twin stories involving Peter Petrelli and Gabriel Gray. I mean gee wiz, they aren't twins and if they are, which one of them do they look like? Are they identical or fraternal. Gah! And not only are they twins, but they're screwing each other. So... twincest! And to top if off, throwing Nathan into the mix. Triplecest. Haha. You have to love it.
Hey I'm allllll for whatever turns you on, and if you write it well enough, you'll turn me on too. Someone had an idea of making Peter and Sylar go at it on public display controlled by Eric Doyle. Great, great idea, very sexy possibilities, but the author was not adept at handling the story. A lot of awkward sentences and phrases and dialog... kind of ruined the story. I would love to see it in the hands of someone else. It had the potential to be amazing.
And just because I like to think that he's contemplating sex, or not...

: Bored and hot
Rest day today. My shins are starting to bother me. I know, I know, I pushed it the last week or so, and now I have to stop and pay for it. So, I took today off, and probably tomorrow... but I'll still work out with some weights. Bulk up and such.
And please... please why are there twin stories involving Peter Petrelli and Gabriel Gray. I mean gee wiz, they aren't twins and if they are, which one of them do they look like? Are they identical or fraternal. Gah! And not only are they twins, but they're screwing each other. So... twincest! And to top if off, throwing Nathan into the mix. Triplecest. Haha. You have to love it.
Hey I'm allllll for whatever turns you on, and if you write it well enough, you'll turn me on too. Someone had an idea of making Peter and Sylar go at it on public display controlled by Eric Doyle. Great, great idea, very sexy possibilities, but the author was not adept at handling the story. A lot of awkward sentences and phrases and dialog... kind of ruined the story. I would love to see it in the hands of someone else. It had the potential to be amazing.
And just because I like to think that he's contemplating sex, or not...
Monday, July 27, 2009
I just have to say that I wouldn't be caught dead at a fan convention... well, I take that back. I'd go, and chill with the fans, but I wouldn't pay a dime to get some celeb's autograph or to sit through listening to them tell some tale of woe. *laughs* What? Huh?
You have to be kidding me. Pay for them to write their name on a piece of paper and to throw it back at me? Oh, I don't think so. They should be asking me for my gratitude and my autograph for paying stupid money to put them where they are now.
That is some crazy mess right there. I can't be bothered. Really.
: It hurrrrts!
You have to be kidding me. Pay for them to write their name on a piece of paper and to throw it back at me? Oh, I don't think so. They should be asking me for my gratitude and my autograph for paying stupid money to put them where they are now.
That is some crazy mess right there. I can't be bothered. Really.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Two miles run baby! This is a big deal for me, because one, I'm not a runner and two I hate running. I think it's boring. Well in an effort to get the blood pumping in the old veins, I tested myself to see how far I could jog/run without stopping. My first efforts revealed about a mile which was shocking. I didn't think I could do it. That took about 12 minutes. Then I tried again the next day and squeezed out (barely) two miles. I'm glad for the treadmill because it kept me going as a certain pace that I'm not sure I would have been able to keep up on my own. But I was so pleased and very surprised that I could do that. So right now, two miles is my comfortable limit. I was really plodding hard and starting to stitch up trying to complete it the first time. But, yay, a goal to overcome!
Went to the track for my old high school yesterday early morning. There were more than a few people doing the circuit, which was surprising too. But, I untangled my headphones, flicked on the ipod and started right up. I walked around twice, then jogged/ran around three times, then walked once and ran at a higher speed once. Total 7 times around. It's not an Olympic sized track, but you know, regular high school fare, and it's in my estimate that it would take about two to three, maybe 4 times around to be one mile. I looked for distance signs posted, but there were none except for the markings for xx meters, start finish and what not.
While I am interested in distance, I'm also interested in maintaining a certain pace of jogging for a length of time. So naturally if my time spent jogging increases, so will my distance and eventually my speed.
I'm not hating it right now and I was actually excited to go yesterday. We'll see how long this thrill lasts. Speaking of which, I definitely have to put new songs on the ipod. Boring music makes my mind wander, which probably isn't a bad thing. I kept thinking about Sylar/Peter for some reason and then drifted back to Zoe. Mmm ;)
But, it's hard to figure out what songs to put on there. I want something hard and driving that will encourage me to keep up speed... also longer songs, because the more breaks in the music the more distracted. But nothing too monotonous as I would start to tune it out. Eh, I'll find something.
: Wanting more
Went to the track for my old high school yesterday early morning. There were more than a few people doing the circuit, which was surprising too. But, I untangled my headphones, flicked on the ipod and started right up. I walked around twice, then jogged/ran around three times, then walked once and ran at a higher speed once. Total 7 times around. It's not an Olympic sized track, but you know, regular high school fare, and it's in my estimate that it would take about two to three, maybe 4 times around to be one mile. I looked for distance signs posted, but there were none except for the markings for xx meters, start finish and what not.
While I am interested in distance, I'm also interested in maintaining a certain pace of jogging for a length of time. So naturally if my time spent jogging increases, so will my distance and eventually my speed.
I'm not hating it right now and I was actually excited to go yesterday. We'll see how long this thrill lasts. Speaking of which, I definitely have to put new songs on the ipod. Boring music makes my mind wander, which probably isn't a bad thing. I kept thinking about Sylar/Peter for some reason and then drifted back to Zoe. Mmm ;)
But, it's hard to figure out what songs to put on there. I want something hard and driving that will encourage me to keep up speed... also longer songs, because the more breaks in the music the more distracted. But nothing too monotonous as I would start to tune it out. Eh, I'll find something.
peter petrelli,
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Yes, and yes
Oh, there was one more thing I wanted to add that had annoyed me. The truth be told, I hate Disney and its corporation. yes, I know, hate is a strong word, but believe me, I don't use it lightly. I was excited to hear that there was going to *finally* be a Black Disney Princess. Let me preface that statement by saying, it was *not* important to me that there be a black princess in the least, because I hate that racist Disney crap. But, with that aside, I thought it was nice to see a representation of me in a fairy-tale, fantasy way as all of the "princesses" have been portrayed.
But it seems that good ole' Disney has pulled a bait and switch. Yes, you get your princess, but oh gee well... it looks like we ran out of brown ink so oops, let's just use all of this green paint and make her a frog for most of the movie. I will say that it's not clear how much of the movie she will appear as a frog, but from the trailer, it seems like it will be a large chunk of time.
I will withhold a final judgment until I actually see it, but I don't hold out hope. Oh another thing, it's set in New Orleans in the 1920s (guessing here) with the scary voodoo and Cajuns and dancing/singing shuffling blacks. Oh happy day.
(An aside about the scene in my mood theme. Were the writers actually implying that Sylar would consider having sex with himself? That, *that* would be a viable fantasy of his? Now, that's a story in the making. I wonder if I could find that in rare-slash. Man those bastards are twisted. I like it)
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Angels and Demons
Well "Angels and Demons" was quite an intense ride. Wow! I really enjoyed it and I must give the proper adulation to Ron Howard for directing a moving and horrific and entertaining movie. He'd done such a great job with the other movie, that I wasn't surprised that I was as moved as I was.
One disappointment though. Of course, like all people who watch movies, you get your suspicions right off the bat as to whether someone might be telling the truth or not. And sometimes you're led to believe someone is the villain who really isn't. When I watch movies, I try to call it before it starts. I had my suspicions about Ewan's priest, the woman scientist, one of the cops and I think a bit of the Swiss police head. I later settled on Ewan and probably the woman. She seemed very shifty-eyed on a lot of occasions. And Ewan, as cute as he was, was just too softly spoken, pious and "oh I just want to do the right thing". Even when we came upon the scene where it's being presented that the Swiss head is trying to brand Ewan, I still felt that something was fishy.
But as events unfolded more and he did the "heroic" thing about getting the bomb, I changed my mind, thinking, "oh, maybe he was just trying to do the right thing". And then when they had his name on their lips as being the new pope, I was thrilled, thinking that a young man like that could bring a modern sense to the church, blah blah blah...
Well, in a sense he was trying to do the right thing, but was going about it in entirely the wrong way. And when everything washed out at the end and he immolated himself rather than be captured and possibly murdered by the guards, I thought, "oh.... awww that's too bad! Not a twist I thought would happen." *pouts*
But overall it was a compelling and exciting movie that really held my attention throughout. I don't know if this one will stand up to repeated viewings as TDC did, but... we'll see. :)
: Enthralled
One disappointment though. Of course, like all people who watch movies, you get your suspicions right off the bat as to whether someone might be telling the truth or not. And sometimes you're led to believe someone is the villain who really isn't. When I watch movies, I try to call it before it starts. I had my suspicions about Ewan's priest, the woman scientist, one of the cops and I think a bit of the Swiss police head. I later settled on Ewan and probably the woman. She seemed very shifty-eyed on a lot of occasions. And Ewan, as cute as he was, was just too softly spoken, pious and "oh I just want to do the right thing". Even when we came upon the scene where it's being presented that the Swiss head is trying to brand Ewan, I still felt that something was fishy.
But as events unfolded more and he did the "heroic" thing about getting the bomb, I changed my mind, thinking, "oh, maybe he was just trying to do the right thing". And then when they had his name on their lips as being the new pope, I was thrilled, thinking that a young man like that could bring a modern sense to the church, blah blah blah...
Well, in a sense he was trying to do the right thing, but was going about it in entirely the wrong way. And when everything washed out at the end and he immolated himself rather than be captured and possibly murdered by the guards, I thought, "oh.... awww that's too bad! Not a twist I thought would happen." *pouts*
But overall it was a compelling and exciting movie that really held my attention throughout. I don't know if this one will stand up to repeated viewings as TDC did, but... we'll see. :)
Saturday, July 18, 2009
I am about to watch "Angels and Demons" which is the second part to "The DaVinci Code". I LOVED absolutely LOVED The DaVinci Code. I know that it got a lot of bad reviews, but I couldn't get enough of watching it. Now, reading the book was another story. I don't believe I finished it, because it was written so poorly. Oh, I don't know. I really didn't like Brown's writing style it seemed so juvenile in places. I'm staring at the book right now. Originally I'd bought it as a gift for someone who didn't even read it. So I borrowed it. That was last year some time. I guess I'm keeping it. :D
Anyway, seeing A&D available for viewing made me think about the fic I was writing in response to seeing TDC. About the Templar Knights in the modern world facing another threat to the Magdelene's bones in the form of the mythical Edison Plate. I made up the Edison Plate, of course and it's all very spooky and supernatural. I enjoyed writing it. Now, it's still unfinished and pretty much in pieces, meaning that I'd write disjointed sections that needed to be stitched together. I do that a lot because when I write, I don't necessarily follow a straight stream of thought from beginning to end, but I write in "scenes". And sometimes those scenes can run right into each other, sometimes they don't. Most of the time they don't. :) And when they don't, there in lies my biggest problem as a writer as I don't have much of an idea how to bridge the gaps and then I lose interest in doing so.
Another story falls by the wayside. Like I said in an earlier post, I'm glad I don't make a living writing.
Anyway, I want to pick the story up again. Maybe this time I can actually finish it up. It's pretty long right now as I was quite inspired (haha) so why not.
So, let's hope that A&D is as good as or better than the first movie. I hope so, but my track record regarding movies and their quality isn't very good.
Oh! Apparently ST is coming out in November. Geez, I hope someone can rip a copy and upload it. I'm tired of the one that's floating around now. And, that's surprises me. Considering how big ST was when it was out, I'm surprised that there weren't better copies flying around. *shrugs*
: Inspired
Anyway, seeing A&D available for viewing made me think about the fic I was writing in response to seeing TDC. About the Templar Knights in the modern world facing another threat to the Magdelene's bones in the form of the mythical Edison Plate. I made up the Edison Plate, of course and it's all very spooky and supernatural. I enjoyed writing it. Now, it's still unfinished and pretty much in pieces, meaning that I'd write disjointed sections that needed to be stitched together. I do that a lot because when I write, I don't necessarily follow a straight stream of thought from beginning to end, but I write in "scenes". And sometimes those scenes can run right into each other, sometimes they don't. Most of the time they don't. :) And when they don't, there in lies my biggest problem as a writer as I don't have much of an idea how to bridge the gaps and then I lose interest in doing so.
Another story falls by the wayside. Like I said in an earlier post, I'm glad I don't make a living writing.
Anyway, I want to pick the story up again. Maybe this time I can actually finish it up. It's pretty long right now as I was quite inspired (haha) so why not.
So, let's hope that A&D is as good as or better than the first movie. I hope so, but my track record regarding movies and their quality isn't very good.
Oh! Apparently ST is coming out in November. Geez, I hope someone can rip a copy and upload it. I'm tired of the one that's floating around now. And, that's surprises me. Considering how big ST was when it was out, I'm surprised that there weren't better copies flying around. *shrugs*
Friday, July 17, 2009
Friday Fun
Got a couple of errands to do tomorrow, laundry endless laundry!! Talk to a realtor go through the paperwork the mortgage house sent, finish putting Heroes eps on the touch...relaxing. It's steamy hot here now and promises to be the same tomorrow. Urg, don't make me break out the window unit. I hate putting that in and I hate using it even more. Sometimes I'd rather just bear the heat.
Mmmm.... wasabi peanuts. It's pure bliss and torture. I just have to remember not to inhale upon first crunching through the hard green shell or the wasabi will sear away my sinuses. *laughs*
Ah, so Le Quinto was one of the hosts at the Espy awards. Too much hair gel and he looked quite overheated in that slim suit. Overall, very Gabriel Grey, with a tan and a jauntier hair-part. *laughs*
: HOT!
Mmmm.... wasabi peanuts. It's pure bliss and torture. I just have to remember not to inhale upon first crunching through the hard green shell or the wasabi will sear away my sinuses. *laughs*
Ah, so Le Quinto was one of the hosts at the Espy awards. Too much hair gel and he looked quite overheated in that slim suit. Overall, very Gabriel Grey, with a tan and a jauntier hair-part. *laughs*
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Man, I tickle myself...

Hee. I thought they were cute together. Two psychos, perfect together.

Lookit that face! And then the little head duck before he turns to glare at the guy. A little gaspy-head-ducky shoulder lifting thing. Cute! Adorable! That's a perfect bit of acting on ZQ's part. Very subtle, yet quite telling and illustrative of Gabriel's personality. Funny, Gabriel has been known on occasion to do the gasping thing. Sylar on the other hand... only when he's run through with a blade... Makes me think of how poor of an actor Orlando Bloom is. He has three expressions: blank, blank and puppy dog. Meh.

ZQ does such a fabulous job with the "big eyed wounded puppy" look. He does it relatively often in Heroes and big time in Star Trek. *pets Spock* Love it.

Hmmmm... there's something vaguely incestuous with this picture. She looks horrified and his body is pressed to hers quite inappropriately. Looks like he's about to lay a kiss on his mum. See how soft his hands are on her, not really trying to restrain her, the sharp end of the scissors are pointed away from him... but... but.... hmmmm.... I'll leave that one alone ;) Besides, who has scissors that huge? Except on the tele.

Poor washed out looking Zane. Sorry, mate, the bloke behind you is an upgrade ;)

And what an upgrade. I really like this shot. It's playful yet "hey, I'm trying to be kinda sexy here, pay attention!"

This is nice coloring, I don't know who did it as I just found it on the web. I saw the article in which this picture was apart of a clothing shoot. Look at those long fucking legs! It's a nice "action" shot and I wonder was he bouncing on his own accord, or was he on a little trampoline. I'd like to think it was the latter, because it looks like he's getting pretty good straight legged height. And bouncing on the trampoline would give the photographer some time to get the shot. Yeah... thinking about that too much. :D

And then into every life, a little Mylar must fall. SR is gripping that boy, isn't he? I wonder what he feels like. Let's ask SR. I'm sure he could give lots of gory details.
I'm not claiming ownership of any of these photos. Just came across them on random searches.
: Silly
Hee. I thought they were cute together. Two psychos, perfect together.
Lookit that face! And then the little head duck before he turns to glare at the guy. A little gaspy-head-ducky shoulder lifting thing. Cute! Adorable! That's a perfect bit of acting on ZQ's part. Very subtle, yet quite telling and illustrative of Gabriel's personality. Funny, Gabriel has been known on occasion to do the gasping thing. Sylar on the other hand... only when he's run through with a blade... Makes me think of how poor of an actor Orlando Bloom is. He has three expressions: blank, blank and puppy dog. Meh.
ZQ does such a fabulous job with the "big eyed wounded puppy" look. He does it relatively often in Heroes and big time in Star Trek. *pets Spock* Love it.
Hmmmm... there's something vaguely incestuous with this picture. She looks horrified and his body is pressed to hers quite inappropriately. Looks like he's about to lay a kiss on his mum. See how soft his hands are on her, not really trying to restrain her, the sharp end of the scissors are pointed away from him... but... but.... hmmmm.... I'll leave that one alone ;) Besides, who has scissors that huge? Except on the tele.
Poor washed out looking Zane. Sorry, mate, the bloke behind you is an upgrade ;)
And what an upgrade. I really like this shot. It's playful yet "hey, I'm trying to be kinda sexy here, pay attention!"
This is nice coloring, I don't know who did it as I just found it on the web. I saw the article in which this picture was apart of a clothing shoot. Look at those long fucking legs! It's a nice "action" shot and I wonder was he bouncing on his own accord, or was he on a little trampoline. I'd like to think it was the latter, because it looks like he's getting pretty good straight legged height. And bouncing on the trampoline would give the photographer some time to get the shot. Yeah... thinking about that too much. :D
And then into every life, a little Mylar must fall. SR is gripping that boy, isn't he? I wonder what he feels like. Let's ask SR. I'm sure he could give lots of gory details.
I'm not claiming ownership of any of these photos. Just came across them on random searches.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
I was going to do a picspam but I am too bushed. Worked out for an hour today, had a delicious dinner and now I'm ready to crash. Mmmmm maybe tomorrow.
: Exhausted
Monday, July 13, 2009
First off, I love having a mood theme here. It's so much fun and second, I got my pre-approval stuff in the mail. Lots of official looking papers, that I'm going to have to tear through. I didn't get my asking price, but honestly that was just a number that I threw out to fish around to see what my limits were. But Wells Fargo did approve for about 28 K less, which is still grand in my book. *throws confetti* Now, I suspect the nerves will set in and I'll start to talk myself out of buying a home on my own. Let's hope that I won't do that!
Spent most of yesterday watching horror movies. I saw Friday the 13th (remake) and jesus I've never seen more hardcore sex scenes in my life, outside of porn. Minus the cunt shots, of course. But, man! Was all that necessary? Eh, what did I expect? So many fake boobs on such young girls really hurt to see. Meh, white girls do shit like that and then want to be taken seriously after showing their boobs in B-rated movies. Whatever.
Um, after that, saw "Walled In" I'll give it a "meh". After that itw as "Splinter" which was actually pretty darn good. All the actors were unknown, all shot around a gas station, decent quality, so some money went into the production... I don't know if I'd watch it again, but it was good enough, gory enough. I was pleased.
In Quinto news, I just found out that a coworker of mine crushes on him. She also crushes on Bana-boy as well. I knew that one, because I was the one who turned her onto him. But Quinto was new to me and I couldn't help laughing after we finished discussing the finer points of Sylar and the sy-brows and Spock. Small world.
Right now I am exhausted and hungry and in need of a shower. Worked out for about an hour today, ran and did my triceps and biceps and abs with a teeny bit of back. I loved that burn I was getting in the biceps especially. Love it! Now, must refuel and wash up. Yay!
: Pleased
Spent most of yesterday watching horror movies. I saw Friday the 13th (remake) and jesus I've never seen more hardcore sex scenes in my life, outside of porn. Minus the cunt shots, of course. But, man! Was all that necessary? Eh, what did I expect? So many fake boobs on such young girls really hurt to see. Meh, white girls do shit like that and then want to be taken seriously after showing their boobs in B-rated movies. Whatever.
Um, after that, saw "Walled In" I'll give it a "meh". After that itw as "Splinter" which was actually pretty darn good. All the actors were unknown, all shot around a gas station, decent quality, so some money went into the production... I don't know if I'd watch it again, but it was good enough, gory enough. I was pleased.
In Quinto news, I just found out that a coworker of mine crushes on him. She also crushes on Bana-boy as well. I knew that one, because I was the one who turned her onto him. But Quinto was new to me and I couldn't help laughing after we finished discussing the finer points of Sylar and the sy-brows and Spock. Small world.
Right now I am exhausted and hungry and in need of a shower. Worked out for about an hour today, ran and did my triceps and biceps and abs with a teeny bit of back. I loved that burn I was getting in the biceps especially. Love it! Now, must refuel and wash up. Yay!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
More fic
I just joined "The Chamber" which is dedicated to women of color in fiction. It's a neat idea, lots of original fic, fan fic and the like which is great considering. I didn't necessarily get this idea from that site, but I suppose being at the site triggered something in my head. You know, my quest for Monica/Sylar fanfic kind of mutated into this:

No, it's neither Monica, nor Sylar... I'm just using their faces for the fic :) I hope they don't mind. Actually the woman in the photo's name is Joan Butler and the man is Jason Moore. I tried hard not to give her some sort of sickly mary-sue type name like ... Destiny Alexandra Angelica... nonsense. Personally, I like boring, mundane names, names that haven't been used a lot like... Zelda, Maude...
I was dying to name him Zach and I sat here staring at his face trying to think of a name that would fit. Heh, Jason is pretty decent... he kinda looks like a Jason. Or Rocco :D
Joan is pretty mundane, I think... especially considering the strange ride I'm setting her up for. Note they are both on the phone and that plays a big part in the story. I'm in the process of writing up a summary (brief summary) as the brain is working and I might sign myself up for that torture writing thing. Apparently you are timed to write a certain number of words and if you don't then little green men with pitchforks come and stab your calves. *shrugs* I dunno. I don't think I want that ;)
But, this is just like me. I get hot on a fic for a little while and then when it cools down, I jump on another, never finishing the one before it. I'm so glad that I'm not a professional writer. My agent would hate me because I'd never get anything done... but I suppose that if I were a professional writer and my bread and butter depended on me finishing something... then I'd finish it. I would have to. But I'm just a scientist and no one is counting on me to finish some novel. Thank goodness.
On a random note, I can't decide which Heroes episodes I want to rip and upload to the touch. I suppose Run and Parasite top the list, but there's not enough Mylar in it to justify, though what they have is incredible. I mean as much as I think Ali Larter has an awesome body, I can't stand the characters that she plays on the show and damnit! she won't die!
: Sleepy
No, it's neither Monica, nor Sylar... I'm just using their faces for the fic :) I hope they don't mind. Actually the woman in the photo's name is Joan Butler and the man is Jason Moore. I tried hard not to give her some sort of sickly mary-sue type name like ... Destiny Alexandra Angelica... nonsense. Personally, I like boring, mundane names, names that haven't been used a lot like... Zelda, Maude...
I was dying to name him Zach and I sat here staring at his face trying to think of a name that would fit. Heh, Jason is pretty decent... he kinda looks like a Jason. Or Rocco :D
Joan is pretty mundane, I think... especially considering the strange ride I'm setting her up for. Note they are both on the phone and that plays a big part in the story. I'm in the process of writing up a summary (brief summary) as the brain is working and I might sign myself up for that torture writing thing. Apparently you are timed to write a certain number of words and if you don't then little green men with pitchforks come and stab your calves. *shrugs* I dunno. I don't think I want that ;)
But, this is just like me. I get hot on a fic for a little while and then when it cools down, I jump on another, never finishing the one before it. I'm so glad that I'm not a professional writer. My agent would hate me because I'd never get anything done... but I suppose that if I were a professional writer and my bread and butter depended on me finishing something... then I'd finish it. I would have to. But I'm just a scientist and no one is counting on me to finish some novel. Thank goodness.
On a random note, I can't decide which Heroes episodes I want to rip and upload to the touch. I suppose Run and Parasite top the list, but there's not enough Mylar in it to justify, though what they have is incredible. I mean as much as I think Ali Larter has an awesome body, I can't stand the characters that she plays on the show and damnit! she won't die!
Hair Post
I have a goal of growing my hair to waist-length. Right now it's mid-back wet and unstraightened. I don't perm or hot comb my hair, so as a natural I measured by stretched hair. Anyway, I'm trying this June Carter products and I must say that I dislike her product line. First it stinks and the shampoo which is supposed to be gentle and moisturizing really stripped my hair. You know that ultra squeaky clean feeling where your hair is rough and doesn't slide through your hands, that's what it was. Ugh. I like a little slippage and I don't need my hair to be that squeaky.
I wouldn't buy the stuff again and it was on the expensive side at that so no thanks. My sister makes hair products now so I'll just go with that.
: Disappointed
I wouldn't buy the stuff again and it was on the expensive side at that so no thanks. My sister makes hair products now so I'll just go with that.
I... am changing Sendhil's character name to Shandar. So he'll now be named Shandar Thrampuran. I believe that I am pleased with the change :)
: Yay
Random post is random
God. My bedroom is finally clean! Clean, clean clean clean... *happy dance*
Vacuumed and lovely and everything in its place. Now onto tackling laundry.
I also have a Sylar moodtheme... for LJ, but that really doesn't make a difference being that I'm barely there, but it was too cute to pass up. So. I loaded it and yeah... there you go. Hey, I can use it here for my own devious purposes. Lovely.
I'm in the mood to make some icons as well, but well... see above with the no lj stuff. I'll tell you one thing, I am so much happier *NOT* being on LJ. At first it was the best place to be and then after a while the drama, the hurt feelings, Oh god. I'll definitely lurk and read the fic that I want and perhaps comment, but other than that, anything that I post will be here and comment free. Yay!
Much better. Much, much better.
: weirdly pleased
Vacuumed and lovely and everything in its place. Now onto tackling laundry.
I also have a Sylar moodtheme... for LJ, but that really doesn't make a difference being that I'm barely there, but it was too cute to pass up. So. I loaded it and yeah... there you go. Hey, I can use it here for my own devious purposes. Lovely.
I'm in the mood to make some icons as well, but well... see above with the no lj stuff. I'll tell you one thing, I am so much happier *NOT* being on LJ. At first it was the best place to be and then after a while the drama, the hurt feelings, Oh god. I'll definitely lurk and read the fic that I want and perhaps comment, but other than that, anything that I post will be here and comment free. Yay!
Much better. Much, much better.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Friday Fun
Goddamn I'm tired. I can't keep my eyes open even as I type this entry. Oh and yes yes, *ANOTHER* Sylar/Monica. Sexytimes!!
Not Easy Sport
But, le sigh. The whole Nathan/Sylar debacle Heroes has going on will not make a happy wyn. Not happy at all. And Peter's getting a girlfriend? Geezus. Meh. Doesn't matter, he'll get slashed anyway ;) And Claire gets a lesbian relationship? That's cute.
But no Sysy? haha I can't believe I called him that. Someone wrote that in a fic and I must have laughed for ab out 5 minutes at the foolery.
Nothing more to see here.
: comatose
Not Easy Sport
But, le sigh. The whole Nathan/Sylar debacle Heroes has going on will not make a happy wyn. Not happy at all. And Peter's getting a girlfriend? Geezus. Meh. Doesn't matter, he'll get slashed anyway ;) And Claire gets a lesbian relationship? That's cute.
But no Sysy? haha I can't believe I called him that. Someone wrote that in a fic and I must have laughed for ab out 5 minutes at the foolery.
Nothing more to see here.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Woo! credit score of 768, that's pretty damn good. now all I have to do is wait for the pre-approval for the 250,000 and we're set to go house hunting.
: happy
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Well it's that time of the month, it seems and here come the wild dreams. I read posts where people say that they dream about celebrities and ohhh, he/she was so cute in it, blah. I tend not to believe them. I dunno. I just don't. I think they're just making it up, or at least embellishing something just to make a scandalous post. *shrugs*
Well, what the hell is this post about then?
Heh, well... since I know that no one is reading this, I don't have an audience to play to, so I'm safe and free to say what I'd dreamed about last night. Fucking Quinto. Well not the act of fucking him, but, him being in the dream. Why? I don't know. I didn't invite him in, he just showed up. In the form of Sylar no less. Haven't watched Heroes in a while, so I guess the brain is just making shit up for me to watch. It does that... a lot!
The dream was based on the episode about the eclipse and from what it seemed, I was taking the place of Elle. No no no, not the good part where the two of them were having a go at it on the floor in that house, oh no, I had to come in after she gets shot in the thigh. Lovely. My dreams play out like movies. Exactly. Where there are long shots and close shots and then "shots" where it's from my perspective as I see them. Through my eyes so to speak in a video game first person sense.
So we do the whole, bandaging me up in the shop, long shot, where I can see him crouched in front of me, me bleeding all over the white floor and all the junk on the shelves behind me. Then we're stumbling through some Wallmart type store trying to get clean clothes and people are staring at us. He plants me in the women's section for a moment and then goes off to get something for himself. Then out of no where security pounces on me, two guys and start to drag me off. Then I'm screaming to him for help, he comes running back.
....zzzzz this is boring me, haha! Some other stuff happens but I can't be arsed to write it down. It was a good idea, wyn, to journal the dreams but fuck it. I want some tea and I have to get to work.
: Amused
Well, what the hell is this post about then?
Heh, well... since I know that no one is reading this, I don't have an audience to play to, so I'm safe and free to say what I'd dreamed about last night. Fucking Quinto. Well not the act of fucking him, but, him being in the dream. Why? I don't know. I didn't invite him in, he just showed up. In the form of Sylar no less. Haven't watched Heroes in a while, so I guess the brain is just making shit up for me to watch. It does that... a lot!
The dream was based on the episode about the eclipse and from what it seemed, I was taking the place of Elle. No no no, not the good part where the two of them were having a go at it on the floor in that house, oh no, I had to come in after she gets shot in the thigh. Lovely. My dreams play out like movies. Exactly. Where there are long shots and close shots and then "shots" where it's from my perspective as I see them. Through my eyes so to speak in a video game first person sense.
So we do the whole, bandaging me up in the shop, long shot, where I can see him crouched in front of me, me bleeding all over the white floor and all the junk on the shelves behind me. Then we're stumbling through some Wallmart type store trying to get clean clothes and people are staring at us. He plants me in the women's section for a moment and then goes off to get something for himself. Then out of no where security pounces on me, two guys and start to drag me off. Then I'm screaming to him for help, he comes running back.
....zzzzz this is boring me, haha! Some other stuff happens but I can't be arsed to write it down. It was a good idea, wyn, to journal the dreams but fuck it. I want some tea and I have to get to work.
Monday, July 6, 2009
The End of Mr Y and probably wynterhawk as well
I was so thrilled to get "The End of Mr. Y" because the premise was so interesting. But as I'm slogging through it, the heroine is growing more and more distasteful and the author is obsessed with sex, cunt, dick, fucking, abuse and shit like that. I'm not a prude, but fucking hell, do all of your similes have to revolve around sex? It's tiresome and I'm really starting not to care about the dumb woman. I'm glad I bought that book used. I'm not at the point where I'm going to fling it across the room, but I'm getting veeeery close to doing that.
: pissed
I kind of want this, but I don't want to spend nearly 22 dollars for it. That's ridiculous!

But I've always liked that partial double helix and the scientist in me wants it. Meh, I could probably hit up an art supply place, get self hardening clay and a pot of paint and do it for less than that. *ponders*
: Artistic
But I've always liked that partial double helix and the scientist in me wants it. Meh, I could probably hit up an art supply place, get self hardening clay and a pot of paint and do it for less than that. *ponders*
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Heroes Picspam
I like spamming myself. Such lovely eyecandy to scroll back to :)

So cute together. She's got fab legs! Yep, I'm a Maya/Sylar shipper ;) That dress is banging. I would look good in that! *wants*

So cute! I've always liked Leonard :) Love Jones.

I read a spanking fic between Sylar and HRG. Man, it was fantastic. Lots of daddy!kink and mmmm HRG got a great pummeling hand ;) Sylar got his arse worn out. Jack Coleman is surprisingly hot though. And that guy next to him, hmm well... he's ok :)

I miss her though. I liked her character, though I wish they hadn't blown her hair out for those last few episodes. I liked it curly. Peter did too ;)

Doggie! I don't normally like little dogs, but this one is so cute. Look at his bright black eyes and teeny feetses! *pinches*

Sendhil! I like your teeth :) *chuckles*

Mmmm the boys playing rough again. how much did I love that scene where Peter jabs the needle into Sylar's tender underjaw. That was flippin hot. So, I thought that if the needle was long enough, Peter could have punched up through the underside of his tongue and just injected the drug directly into Sylar's mouth. Or, he would have just injected it directly into Sylar's tongue or tongue root, depending on the length of the steel. Heh... I just like thinking about it :) Now, did Peter have the driver taken them for a little ride, while he violated the unconscious Sylar? Or did they yank them both out of the car to take Sylar up to the flat to replace Nathan? I'd like to think the former. C'mon! There's always time to violate Sylar.
: kinda curious
So cute together. She's got fab legs! Yep, I'm a Maya/Sylar shipper ;) That dress is banging. I would look good in that! *wants*
So cute! I've always liked Leonard :) Love Jones.
I read a spanking fic between Sylar and HRG. Man, it was fantastic. Lots of daddy!kink and mmmm HRG got a great pummeling hand ;) Sylar got his arse worn out. Jack Coleman is surprisingly hot though. And that guy next to him, hmm well... he's ok :)
I miss her though. I liked her character, though I wish they hadn't blown her hair out for those last few episodes. I liked it curly. Peter did too ;)
Doggie! I don't normally like little dogs, but this one is so cute. Look at his bright black eyes and teeny feetses! *pinches*
Sendhil! I like your teeth :) *chuckles*
Mmmm the boys playing rough again. how much did I love that scene where Peter jabs the needle into Sylar's tender underjaw. That was flippin hot. So, I thought that if the needle was long enough, Peter could have punched up through the underside of his tongue and just injected the drug directly into Sylar's mouth. Or, he would have just injected it directly into Sylar's tongue or tongue root, depending on the length of the steel. Heh... I just like thinking about it :) Now, did Peter have the driver taken them for a little ride, while he violated the unconscious Sylar? Or did they yank them both out of the car to take Sylar up to the flat to replace Nathan? I'd like to think the former. C'mon! There's always time to violate Sylar.
peter petrelli,
It's Sunday!
Shit, I'm all over the place with this blog thing. At first, I had been concentrated in one area, now I've branched out talking crazy. Love it.
I'm going to use 100% raw shea butter on my scalp and do a two strand... probably fat twists. I don't know how fat, but I'll have to dig into the beautiful wildness that is my hair and find out. So, I'm going to pop in some Heroes... rewatching S1 (yay!) Spikey haired Sylar.... and getting to it.
bah, I have to work in the morning. The little three days that we had off are OVER! NOOOO...
: bleh
I'm going to use 100% raw shea butter on my scalp and do a two strand... probably fat twists. I don't know how fat, but I'll have to dig into the beautiful wildness that is my hair and find out. So, I'm going to pop in some Heroes... rewatching S1 (yay!) Spikey haired Sylar.... and getting to it.
bah, I have to work in the morning. The little three days that we had off are OVER! NOOOO...
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Seriously lacking in my spiritual dept
A Ritual to Oya
Oya can be invoked for change, strength, leadership, authority, courage, justice, weather spells, ancestor-worship, grief, truth, power, magick, protection...
A Ritual for Change
by Heathwitch
Requirements: Dark red or purple candles, sandalwood incense, an offering to Oya, pen, paper and dark red or purple ribbon.
Before you start, think of some changes you'd like to make in your life. It could be one change, or several. When you are ready and have them fixed in your mind, cast your circle in your usual way and light the candles and incense. Invoke Oya with the following words:
Oya, Lady of Storms,
Oya, Bringer of Change,
Oya, Warrior of Women,
You who commmand the winds
And protect the souls of the dead
You whose domain is the tornado, the storm, the thunder,
I ask for you to join me here tonight
And help me bring positive change and action into my life
Hail, Oya, Lady of Storms!
Once you feel Oya's presence, sit and talk to her (aloud or silently, whatever you're comfortable with) about the changes you would like to make in your life. These could be small changes or large changes. Focus on the positive aspects of these changes. Pause after each change to hear Oya's words of aid and wisdom. Then think about each change and how you're going to achieve it.
On the paper, write down the first change you want to make. Then, once you have listened to Oya and considered your actions, write down how you're going to achieve this. Then determine a realistic timescale and make a note of that, too. Then move on to the next change.
When you've finished writing out the changes, actions and dates, read your list aloud. As you do so, visualise yourself making these changes successfully. When you come to read out the dates, pledge them to Oya using the following format: "I, [name], pledge to complete this change by [date], in the name of Oya, Lady of Storms and Change."
When you have finished reading aloud, roll up the paper and tie with the ribbon. Carefully drop some wax from one of the candles on top of the ribbon's knot to seal the package. Place this on your altar as a reminder.
Take up your offering to Oya. Thank you for Her presence and aid during your ritual. Ask Her to continue to help you as you actively make the changes in your life. If you wish to spend some more time with Oya, to see if She has any more advice for you, you can do a meditation with Her now if you wish. When you are ready, thank Oya again and say goodbye to Her using the following words:
Oya, Lady of Storms,
Oya, Bringer of Change,
Oya, Warrior of Women,
You who command the winds
And protect the souls of the dead
You whose domain is the tornado, the storm, the thunder,
I thank you for your presence tonight
Your wise words, listening ear, and instigation of change.
Hail, Oya, and Farewell!
Take up your circle in your usual way. Should you need an extra boost while you're completing your changes, or want to instigate some more, then you can use this ritual again to call on Oya's powerful energy.
: Embarrassed :)
Oya can be invoked for change, strength, leadership, authority, courage, justice, weather spells, ancestor-worship, grief, truth, power, magick, protection...
A Ritual for Change
by Heathwitch
Requirements: Dark red or purple candles, sandalwood incense, an offering to Oya, pen, paper and dark red or purple ribbon.
Before you start, think of some changes you'd like to make in your life. It could be one change, or several. When you are ready and have them fixed in your mind, cast your circle in your usual way and light the candles and incense. Invoke Oya with the following words:
Oya, Lady of Storms,
Oya, Bringer of Change,
Oya, Warrior of Women,
You who commmand the winds
And protect the souls of the dead
You whose domain is the tornado, the storm, the thunder,
I ask for you to join me here tonight
And help me bring positive change and action into my life
Hail, Oya, Lady of Storms!
Once you feel Oya's presence, sit and talk to her (aloud or silently, whatever you're comfortable with) about the changes you would like to make in your life. These could be small changes or large changes. Focus on the positive aspects of these changes. Pause after each change to hear Oya's words of aid and wisdom. Then think about each change and how you're going to achieve it.
On the paper, write down the first change you want to make. Then, once you have listened to Oya and considered your actions, write down how you're going to achieve this. Then determine a realistic timescale and make a note of that, too. Then move on to the next change.
When you've finished writing out the changes, actions and dates, read your list aloud. As you do so, visualise yourself making these changes successfully. When you come to read out the dates, pledge them to Oya using the following format: "I, [name], pledge to complete this change by [date], in the name of Oya, Lady of Storms and Change."
When you have finished reading aloud, roll up the paper and tie with the ribbon. Carefully drop some wax from one of the candles on top of the ribbon's knot to seal the package. Place this on your altar as a reminder.
Take up your offering to Oya. Thank you for Her presence and aid during your ritual. Ask Her to continue to help you as you actively make the changes in your life. If you wish to spend some more time with Oya, to see if She has any more advice for you, you can do a meditation with Her now if you wish. When you are ready, thank Oya again and say goodbye to Her using the following words:
Oya, Lady of Storms,
Oya, Bringer of Change,
Oya, Warrior of Women,
You who command the winds
And protect the souls of the dead
You whose domain is the tornado, the storm, the thunder,
I thank you for your presence tonight
Your wise words, listening ear, and instigation of change.
Hail, Oya, and Farewell!
Take up your circle in your usual way. Should you need an extra boost while you're completing your changes, or want to instigate some more, then you can use this ritual again to call on Oya's powerful energy.
The sex has made me stupid
I came across this vid. I really love the jerkiness in the beginning, (especially 6-8 sec mark. It almost looks like Sylar's about to pop-lock haha!) which the vidder chose not to continue throughout, though I think could have been thrown in a little for good measure. Overall, pretty enjoyable. Sylar/Peter goodness as well, so what more can you ask for.
Went to the beach yesterday and to my dismay found that you can't watch videos on the touch outside because of the glare (?) reflection. I dunno. Bah. Dumb. I won't go into the shitty company that I had at the beach, because it's just going to make me mad. Needless to say that I won't be going back to that beach house again. Waste of time.
I'd been mulling over what to do with Ida's character... why did she wash up in India and I think I've come up with something! I've been reading up about Oya and think it would be a wonderful match. Why didn't I think of that before? Yay. I have a mission.
: Inspired
Went to the beach yesterday and to my dismay found that you can't watch videos on the touch outside because of the glare (?) reflection. I dunno. Bah. Dumb. I won't go into the shitty company that I had at the beach, because it's just going to make me mad. Needless to say that I won't be going back to that beach house again. Waste of time.
I'd been mulling over what to do with Ida's character... why did she wash up in India and I think I've come up with something! I've been reading up about Oya and think it would be a wonderful match. Why didn't I think of that before? Yay. I have a mission.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
if my head wasn't attached I'd leave it somewhere
Who knew? ZQ is a smoker? Ex-smoker? Somehow I'm not surprised. Meh.
And why am I starting to feel Milo Ventimiglia? Or however the hell you spell that. Well, maybe not feeling him, but Peter Petrelli. Yeah, I know, the whiny whimpy empath hospice nurse. Heh. But, c'mon hot and rough foreplay fighting with Sylar? A girl could get used to that. He even broke my boy's, Sylar's neck! Poor BB! But Sylar got him back by killing Papa Petrelli for him. Hey! Didn't I call it!? I said that Sylar would be the one to do it, but, the outcome of that killing was a bit surprising. And didn't Sylar cushion Peter's fall from the window? Awwww... so cute? Well, he was under the impression that they were brothers at the time, but still. :D
And I said before that I did see a Monica/Peter fic that I really loved, so now I'm on the hunt for that as well.
WHYYYY are all my fic hunts so futile, especially the ones of the het variety. Good thing that there is still Mylar for all of my slashy needs. Because I'm totally out of Orlando Bloom, Elijah Wood and Dom Monaghan now, no more LOTR boys to play with. Though, the big Aussie, Bana is still hanging around. I think he was one of the first and probably will outlast everyone else. Hmmmm... Nero/Spock anyone??
I've already got a taste for Nero/Uhura.
: Naughty
And why am I starting to feel Milo Ventimiglia? Or however the hell you spell that. Well, maybe not feeling him, but Peter Petrelli. Yeah, I know, the whiny whimpy empath hospice nurse. Heh. But, c'mon hot and rough foreplay fighting with Sylar? A girl could get used to that. He even broke my boy's, Sylar's neck! Poor BB! But Sylar got him back by killing Papa Petrelli for him. Hey! Didn't I call it!? I said that Sylar would be the one to do it, but, the outcome of that killing was a bit surprising. And didn't Sylar cushion Peter's fall from the window? Awwww... so cute? Well, he was under the impression that they were brothers at the time, but still. :D
And I said before that I did see a Monica/Peter fic that I really loved, so now I'm on the hunt for that as well.
WHYYYY are all my fic hunts so futile, especially the ones of the het variety. Good thing that there is still Mylar for all of my slashy needs. Because I'm totally out of Orlando Bloom, Elijah Wood and Dom Monaghan now, no more LOTR boys to play with. Though, the big Aussie, Bana is still hanging around. I think he was one of the first and probably will outlast everyone else. Hmmmm... Nero/Spock anyone??
I've already got a taste for Nero/Uhura.
peter petrelli,
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