... Ida rolled over, feeling the sheets pull tight against her naked brown thighs. She was tangled, but too sleepy and content to bother with freeing herself. Sendhil stirred quietly, a low soft whisper of breath seeping out between his lips before he fell still. Against the creme coloured covers, he positively glowed, deep and rich like a slim swath of good earth. Ida lazily lifted her hand and held it close to him, close but not touching his shoulder. Heat rose from him like a match flame and she smiled, longing to press her face against him, wanting to inhale his warm scent and to kiss him fully into wakefulness.
Ida let her hand fall away and she curled her long fingers on her own hip, feeling the crisp scrape of her pubic hair against her forearm.
He liked to touch her there. Sendhil had been fascinated by the rough scratchiness topping her mound. He had spent a curious amount of time raking his fingertips over it, through it, around it, rubbing his cheek slowly against it before kissing her there and moving to run his tongue down between her legs.
Ida touched herself where Sendhil had eagerly lapped at her hot wet flesh. While he was good at what he'd done, only she knew exactly where to explore.
I'll show him, one day.
Smiling a little, she bit her bottom lip as a shivery jangle of pleasure scraped along her nerves.
But not right now. This place is my secret and he's still learning.
Ida rolled her hips contentedly, still stroking, still basking in the dry heat blowing in through the open windows. It was only early morning and already it promised to be another uncomfortably hot day in Chennai. Ida was a Black woman in a foreign land and yet she was used to its delicious charms. Tolerance was all in the mind and once your mind was set, there was no wavering.
A muffled moan escaped her. Sendhil stirred again, and kicked irritably at the sheets wound around one long leg. Ida held her breath and stilled her hand, feeling giddy at the threat of being discovered doing something illicit. Fully expecting him to drift back to sleep as he always did, Ida snickered and groaned his name.
There was a beat of silence and her joy grew.
Another beat and then came his melodious voice in an answering whisper.
"Starting without me?" he asked.
Ida froze and then shrieked with laughter. She threw herself at his back and twined her arms about his waist. Snuffling the ebony curls at his ear, Ida smeared her slick finger down the center of his belly.
"I am," she said.
Sendhil chuckled and his body vibrated. Ida squeezed him tighter and rubbed her scratchiness against his backside. Turning, Sendhil wrapped his arms about her and dragged her over the side of his body. Wrestling her to her back, he pressed himself up above her and smiled. His white teeth were bright against his dark face. Ida pressed her hands against his forearms and they watched each other for a long moment.
"Well?" she asked.
"Well," he said smugly and bent to kiss her mouth.
His fingers slipped between her thighs to finish what she had started.
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