Nnnggg... those huge eyes are a killer!
I'm currently watching Heroes season 3 and why is Sylar all meek and "I wanna be gooooood!" *whines* now? He should be bad just because he likes it, not because of some outside forces. But... it's turning out to be pretty entertaining. I'm still zipping through most of the Nathan and whatever that blonde woman's name is, that's not Nikki. BORING and most of Hiro/Ando's mildly entertaining adventures. I get it, they're supposed to be the comic relief but damn, at least be comical .
Hm, haven't been paying much attention to Matt's thing with the other bleach blonde chick. Mohinder's story, Sylar's story and because I can't help avoiding it, Claire's story. I actually like Elle, but I hear she dies. Aw. So now who's going to have the power to stop daddy Petrelli? I'm betting it's Sylar and he'll either die in the process (although we think he can't die) or he'll lose all of his powers, be redeemed and live the normal life he's looking for. I wonder if season 4 is filming? I've never watched it on the telly.
And another thing, where are the brown/black women on this show. There was Monica(who's nowhere to be seen) and now Maya's gone. And why is every white woman on there blonde? Seems to me like someone thinks that white/blonde is the paragon of beauty. And why is nearly every black man(that's not Mohinder) some sort of criminal or thug? *rolls eyes*
And why isn't Monica being in fanfic written more? Ok, I know that's a stupid questions, because we all know how fanfic fandoms work. And all of those "rare pairings" don't really include her. I've seen Monica/Adam. I mean, huh? Were they ever in a scene together? And if not being in a scene together doesn't matter, then why not um... Monica/Sylar? Hey, she traveled up to NY with Mohinder, right? Probably stayed either with him or in the general area in a hotel. Sylar's hungry and still probably stalking Mohinder. Wouldn't he catch sight of the yummy little chocolate morsel? Hee, she's sooo cute! I love her to death.
Well, isn't the old adage, if you want something done right, do it yourself? Heh... guess I have some writing to do.
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