Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sunday S/U

I wanted to put this in my blog because I loved the comment so much, and you know how fast sites go down and stuff disappears. Yeah, I've learned that lesson. So...

JPT010 says:
June 3, 2009 at 12:36 am

A lot of people are missing so many details of what this relationship means in the context of the movie, as well as TOS canon. I’m surprised that more people don’t know that Gene Roddenberry himself wanted this relationship from the get go. But with it being the 60’s and what not (racism, prejudice, etc)…well. They didn’t even want Nichelle Nicholes on the show, so this relationship never had a chance in TOS. They did keep subtleties of the relationship in tact as has been mentioned in the episodes “Man Trap”, and “Charlie X”. But people are forgetting other episodes as well. Such as when Spock reacts to Nomad when he wipes out Uhura’s memory. He became very agitated when Nomad referred to her as a “unit”. Spocks reply: that “unit” is a woman. In “Space Seed” when one of Khan’s henchmen slaps Uhura for not abeying his orders; look at who’s the first one to jump up with Bones a close second. Spock was jumping to her defense, and it’s important to note that he was in full Spock mode by then (as well as the aforementioned episodes). Also the episode “Is There in Truth No Beauty?”. The Madusen ambassador addresses three of the crew members as Spock knows them:

Spock: This is delightful! I know you! All of you!

James Kirk, captain and friend for many years.

And Leonard McCoy [affectionate laughter], also of long acquaintance.

And Uhura, whose name means “freedom.” She walks in beauty like the night.

McCoy: [to Kirk] That’s not Spock!

Spock: Are you surprised to find that I’ve read Byron, doctor?

The Medusen was addressing each relationship as Spock see’s these individuals. So now we know that he reads poetry in regards to her.

The other episode(s) is “The Immunity Syndrome”. When Uhura almost faints because of a high pitched frequency that resonates all over the ship causing multiple crewmates to become ill; look at who grabs her to take her to her seat. Spock is so concerned, that after he sits her down (after her brief conversation with the captain), that he stands over her for a few seconds with much concern in his face. In another episode “Who Mournes for Adonais” I believe; Uhura is asked by Spock to do some repairs to the communications console. Spock tells her that he can think of no one more qualified to do the job than her. This is very high praise coming from a Vulcan. There are multiple instances all throughout the series where is this relationship is definitely canon; but people obviously missed it.

Fast forward to this new Star Trek……..

Let’s start with the reassignment of Uhura from the Faragut to the Enterprise. This is where you first get the knowledge that this is a mutual attraction relationship in some form. Look at Spocks face when he turns to face her when she states:

Uhura: Where you were well aware of my desires to serve on the Enterprise; I’m assigned to the Farragut?

(Hint no.1: She’s very angry, and he’s “well aware” of what she wants to do with her career).

Spock: “It was an attempt to…….. (he stopped talking and paused to keep the passing crewman from hearing their converstion. He breaks eye contact with Uhura until the crewmen passes)…..avoid the appearance of favoritism”. The favoritism concern could only mean that he has displayed too much emotion regarding her if other people know that he “favors” her. But she refuses to be punished for his favoritism/attraction. She is the best in her field so she “deserves” to be put on the best ship.

Uhura: “No; I’m assigned to the Enterprise”.

Spock behaved like the typical human male in that he didn’t want to upset his woman. So he caves in. He obviously has some feelings about Uhura that transends his Vulcan stoicism.

*Next: When Kirk, McCoy, and Uhura runs on the bridge to see what Kirk is about to reveil regarding the lightening storm in space; Spock is not going for Kirk’s story until Uhura gets involved. Look how long he stares in her direction before his gaze rejoins Kirk and Captian Pike in the discussion. He also takes the opportunity to reiterate to Capt. Pike how good she is as a Xenolingist.

*Uhura leaves her station to inquire of Spock where he’s going when he tells her he’s beaming to Vulcan to rescue his parents and the council. In the mist of the turmoil, he actually pauses to explain to her what his intensions are. Look at her eyes as the turbolift doors close.

*After Vulcan is destroyed, Uhura is staring at him because she knows he is hurting. When she follows him to the turbolift, we get the first sure fire knowledge of what’s going on between them for those who didn’t catch the other stuff beforehand. This wasn’t their first kiss. Look at him the second time she kisses him. It is actually him that leans into her and prolongs the kiss as she’s pulling away.

*After the fight scene with Spock and Kirk (look at her face when that fight is going on, and the compassion she displays as she follows him to the door. Look at him when he pauses to look at her), and Spock rejoins everyone on the bridge. When he states “also my mother was human (he’s looking at everyone when he say’s this), which means earth is the only home I have left”. Right when he says “earth is the only home I have left, he pulls his eyes to her. That’s right folks; he’s picked a mate. He plans on making earth his home with her. The transporter room scene is self explanatory. He knows he may not come back (even though he reassures her that he will), so why not at least let her know something of how he feels? Also; look at the way they bring their foreheads together. This seems to be some kind of bonding action between them. His voice is more tender and loving in this scene, and he is most definitely kissing her back. Also we can not forget the scene where he thought he wasn’t going to make it back. In that instance he didn’t say Jim tell my father……….. he said “please” tell lieutenant Uhura……….. He was not going to let the woman he loves and cares deeply about not know of his feelings as I’m sure part of his turmoil regarding his mother’s death is that he most likely never told his mother these words, (and in his mind), she died without knowing. He was not going to take that chance with Uhura.

This is a deep relationship between the two characters. I think it’s a great idea, and it adds so much depth, complexity, and beauty to these characters. Spock and Uhura’s character’s always deserved more than what has been done with them previously, and I hope Abrams and co. moves forward with this relationship.

And this one:

Gul B. says:
May 16, 2009 at 6:21 pm

About all that “boo: student-teacher relationship”:
a. Zach Quinto said in a recent interview “Acting is truthful behavior in imaginary circumstances”. So quit nitpicking, please, and enjoy the story. Or do you want/need a “Kids, don’t try this at home” announcement?
b. As I see it, both Spock and Uhura are post-graduates (like McCoy, she had a degree (in Xenolinguistics) when she enrolled at Starfleet Academy). And the Vulcan Academy seems to be not an University, but something like the Royal Society. So they are both even more grown up than Kirk et al. She is not a glorified secretary, she’s a scientist.

I saw the movie twice, and there is a scene that really gains with repeated viewing: when Uhura demands to be posted on the Enterprise. At first viewing, you only see that. The second time around, you know these are lovers quarreling. And Uhura is so furious – if there were two passionate humans in their places (say, Kirk and whoever) this scene would involve much yelling, stomping of feet and “Sorry, sorry, sorry …”! And the great thing is that Z & Z are actually playing this, in a very subdued way. Delicious acting, and great possibilities for future stories. Let them be together!

Ahhhh... yes. Took the words right out of my mouth and look Zoe totally agrees ;).

I bought my organizational tool, which is a pretty spiffy cubbyhole shelf with several cloth type drawers. I think it's neat. Not only does it get stuff neatly out of the way, but it's colorful. Nice. I am pleased. Now onto tackling the endless mountain of laundry. I'm making a vow to do laundry more frequently. Once I get a single load of clothes, just wash them and put them away, rather than having a week or two weeks worth of dirty clothes waiting to be washed, then I'm left out with no clean clothes to wear! Stupid.

Heroes is on tomorrow which means more Sylar! RPG buddy and I will chat and watch like last week. Man that was fun! I can't believe that Monday has come round again! SO quick.

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