Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Oyin Handmade

Well, I finally got my complete order from Oyin, and I say finally because it did take two weeks to get everything. Well, more than two weeks, but that's neither here nor there. I have 9 items in total and out of the nine, I'd say that I like (off the bat) three. Eh... four. I'm not *that* keen on the Juices and Berries, but it's merely ok. Upon first blush, I think the Greg Juice smells like a bad cleanser, like Pine Sol or something. The honey wash really isn't that great smelling and my biggest disappointment was the scent of the honey hemp conditioner. Oh, youtubers raved about the scent of that and how marvelous it is. I don't doubt that it works marvelously, but the scent... doesn't really make me happy. I was expecting something much better. It smells like old chocolate and old cheap chocolate at that.

Now, I may rescind those statements, as I have not actually used them on my person, so I'm witholding complete judgement until I do. But for now, upon initial sniffing, Oyin Handmade, you do not impress me.

Having said that, I DO like the burnt sugar pomade, whipped pudding (mmm chocolatey) and the shine and define. Funny thing about the pomade and the S&D; putting the S&D on and then the pomade produces a weird smell, but rubbing them together and then applying smells better. Eh, who knows.

So, the clear winner is Karen's Body Beautiful. Not only does she deliver in a very timely manner, her scents are delicious and the product works well on my hair. I still have to find the right amount of product to use though. When I first got it, I'd saturated my hair and the curl was loose and a bit limp. This time, I'd just used a bit of the hair milk (which I'm already running low on!) and some of the Oyin products. The hair is soft, but not as "wet". I can still feel some of the product on the hair, but it's much drier than it was the first time around. So, I think I'll have to put on just a little bit more and perhaps strike a balance. I wonder what the freebie friday will bring, because I definitely will be ordering more from KBB. I think it's cool that she has these free giveaways and coupons. I mean, the stuff isn't *that* cheap, so every bit helps, especially if you're saving on shipping and what not.

It's unlikely that I will be ordering from Oyin again, but if anything it would be the pomade and maybe the shine and define... though I didn't see much shine to the hair. I might be able to produce the same effect with some 100% Aloe gel. So, if I can find that, I'll be ok. I've seen some 99% Aloe gel, wtf? Eh.

Anyway, I was thinking about getting my brow pierced. I probably will not, because I don't want to be fired. So I may just get the ears pierced again. I keep saying that I want to, but I never do it. *shrugs*

There's a new photo of Zoe as Aisha. Man, she looks great!

Maybe that's Cougar in the background??? Fab. I can't wait for the movie. I hope it doesn't suck. Yeah, that's hoping for too much there. Speaking of black actresses, why didn't anyone tell me that Gabrielle Union and John Cho are engaged in that show Flash Forward?? I have to see this!!! Damn. Now I have to sign in and download those episodes. Let's hope they don't just make me mad. TA!

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