Saturday, October 17, 2009

Man, I can't believe that I dropped nearly 400 dollars at Kohls today! But they were having the best sale! I went there looking for sweaters and stuff, and man did I get sweaters, some trousers and three sets of necklaces and earrings. I'm thinking that I should have gotten some sleepwear, but that wasn't that important. More earrings though. I could go back right now, but... I think I've spent enough.

I keep watching "The Skeptic". Zoe is so wonderful in it, I love her. Oh and there was this gorgeous bright yellow scarf at Old Navy that I want to get. And there's a red one too, but I already have a red scarf. I *need* the yellow one to match my jacket and my hat. I'll be one big ball of sunshine on a cold winter's day ;)

Not much is going on with me, I had a better week this time which was pleasant. Let's hope that it continues that way.

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