Did I mention that I was crafting an Uhura/Mirror Spock take over the world type fic? Well, I am and it's great fun, honestly. Before I left for my trip and still flushed with the idea of getting a ST novel to read on the plane, I went to my local Borders to check out their selection. It was really small to my surprise and I'd probably be better off popping into a used book store for a wider selection. Something makes me think that those types of books will be there in abundance.
Anywho, out of the ten or so Star Trek novels, there were no TOS and one Alternate Universe one that involved Spock, much to my delight! The title of it escapes me right now, but I snatched it up and started reading it. His story was one of three others in the compilation and the first line grabbed me right off the jump. It was something along the lines of how easy it was to choke Kirk to death and finally take over the Enterprise. Mmmm... just what I like in a Science Officer! But, then I read more and thought, "Hmm... Marlena features rather prominently and holy cow, they're kissing!!"
I put the book down. Well, she was always the captain's woman, right? Fuck. Spock would be nuts to pass that up, or gay... but we'll leave that one for another discussion. Anyway, flip flip flip flip... check the price, flip flip flip.... no Uhura... flip flip flip... I put the book back and went home to check it out on the net to see what the reviews were like and whatnot. Memory Alpha and Beta were good starts and once realizing that one was canon and one was fanon (after panicking that it might have been canon that Spock and Marlena had married and you don't really mess with canon!) I felt better about putting my spin on that universe. Hey, it had been done before and I wasn't trying to get it published. But just in case I thought about it later, well... it was good to know that it was fanon that they were married. Thank you Memory Alpha for calming me down. And besides in that bloke's book, Spock marries Marlena and has Uhura killed. What the hell kind of universe would *that* happen in?! Not one that I wanted to read ;)
So I was really glad that I hadn't bought the book in my glee, hurried off home and then had my fit on the plane. Not nice :)
Anyway, so now I'm free to mess about with the Mirror universe all I like without some canon geek wagging a disapproving finger at me.
Now, onto my favourite boy:
Each time I see this scene and see how his sash tidies his figure at the waist, it makes me think that he looks like an action figure! He's all trim and proper and I love the side look he's giving Kirk. Heh. Lovely and calm and a bit of a pirate!
Mmmm look at those pouty lips. I like the silk scarf he's wearing. It's so neat and tight that I don't think it's actually tied about his neck. It has to be attached to the shirt in some way. I'd think that the mere movement of his body would shift and loosen it so that it would bunch up. Meh, maybe it did and he had to keep his movements sparse so that they wouldn't have to fix it for each shot. The only thing I didn't like about Spock's uniform having a scarf and not a proper high collar was that his adam's apple was subsequently exposed and bobbed when he spoke. It was rather distracting to me to say the least. *laughs* I couldn't help staring at it, and staring. There was that other occasion where Spock was shirtless, but... I don't remember that he'd spoken while facing the camera... or maybe I was just distracted by the face that he was shirtless! Shirtless and furry. That's a combination one wouldn't expect to say about him, eh?
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