Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Arrrggg, I say

So, I heard that Wallmart is currently selling the TOS figures. I can't bring myself to shop at Wallmart. I think it's the devil. But, I can stomach Target. I dunno... don't question my logic about it. Anyway I traipse into Target in search of the figures and have to walk up and down the dreaded toy aisles to find them. I hate toy aisles. They are so completely gender specific and rather disgusting... oh don't get me started. Anyway, tucked between Star Wars and the Terminator was a slim column of TOS figures.

Ooo! And I hurriedly reached out and grabbed the sole Spock. Hmmm looked like Zach, which was very nice. I even saw an old Spock. (Yay, Len!) But... no Uhura. How is that possible!? They had everyone except her.... (and Nero) and I was disappointed. I can't buy Spock without his Uhura. I want to get them together, so I guess I'll either have to try another Target, or bite the bullet and venture into Walmart *shudders*.

Second muse, I really hate fanfic where Uhura and Spock have children. I dunno, to me, it kind of cramps their style. And it's always so angsty and bleh. I suppose it doesn't help that I dislike kids so... haha.

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