I took a break tonight from trotting :) I don't want to overdo it and my shins are still a little sore, but nothing like it was before. I found some strengthening exercises specifically for them and I like them very much! I can actually feel it in the muscles there.
Going shopping tomorrow, again. I really want to find some hair combs, but I don't know where to look without spending an arm and a leg, or giving my money to the chinese beauty shop. Definitely don't want to do that. Maybe some place like Claires? But that means I have to go to the mall. Man... I don't want to do that either! Or, I can buy a glue gun and whatnot and do that stuff myself.
I haven't been using my Sylar mood theme... I dunno, sometimes I'm just slapping up an imprompt post and leaving it at that. All before I was finely crafting what I wanted to say... oh well.
And, I wonder if I should join Starfleet. I mean it's only 15 dollars for a year, that's pretty cheap. I really don't know what you get for it, other than the personal satisfaction of being in Starfleet and taking Vulcan Science Academy classes. :D