Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sunday Pic Spam

Because pic spams make me happy :)

Some art that I found on Deviant Art:

I love the angle on this picture and how ravaged and exhausted she looks. I can only imagine the emotional wave he's sending to her through the meld.


Mmmm he looks... pleased...

Man Kirk! You are asking to be hurt personally again, aren't you!

Oh man, I just joined Starfleet and found a chapter, USS Avenger, that's not that far from my house. I'm a dork. *laughs*

Friday, October 23, 2009

I took a break tonight from trotting :) I don't want to overdo it and my shins are still a little sore, but nothing like it was before. I found some strengthening exercises specifically for them and I like them very much! I can actually feel it in the muscles there.

Going shopping tomorrow, again. I really want to find some hair combs, but I don't know where to look without spending an arm and a leg, or giving my money to the chinese beauty shop. Definitely don't want to do that. Maybe some place like Claires? But that means I have to go to the mall. Man... I don't want to do that either! Or, I can buy a glue gun and whatnot and do that stuff myself.

I haven't been using my Sylar mood theme... I dunno, sometimes I'm just slapping up an imprompt post and leaving it at that. All before I was finely crafting what I wanted to say... oh well.

And, I wonder if I should join Starfleet. I mean it's only 15 dollars for a year, that's pretty cheap. I really don't know what you get for it, other than the personal satisfaction of being in Starfleet and taking Vulcan Science Academy classes. :D

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Trotting today :)

Doing the couch to 5k thing is comfortable. I had to slow myself down, and was pretty much walking fast and then just trotting, instead of running. I feel better and did stop when I started feeling a twinge in my right shin. I'm being good and gentle wiht my body :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Running again

Well, I made it back to the gym this afternoon. I did feel it in my shins again, but that's only because I was going faster than I should have. I know I should take it easy, but... have to talk to the brain. So now I'm doing the "from couch to 5K" running plan. I'm pretty thrilled about it, so let's see if I can go about it without hurting myself. That's always a plus. Mmm... I want to watch "The Company". I think I downloaded it a while back, now I have to dig it up or join it or something. I'm feeling an itch to join a dance class. I think it would be pretty fun and a good way to get into shape.

Ballet? Jazz? Hm, I don't know.

Anywho, I have to stay up tonight, so that I won't be waking up in the middle of the night and listening to the "noise" downstairs. Shoot, can't stand it and I can't get any sleep!

and because I love them so much together:

Monday, October 19, 2009

I wonder if this is what Spock looks like after a long night with Uhura... mmmmm.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

I should have another Zoe week

And this one for good measure

On a side note, rpg-ing is going swimmingly and we've even branched out into Pinto. Now, I've got a personal problem with Pine's first name and feel quite weirded out when my partner uses it, gasps it, or whatever. So, if I am going to comfortably continue playing Pinto, then we will have to find a nickname for him. Too bad his middle name is so strange, we could have gone with that. Christopher... is a little better, so if all else fails, we'll go with that.