I like these because it allows for practice and stretching of fic muscles. I'm a bit rusty, haven't done it in a while. And because these don't have to be that long.
"Take some time off," Angela said as she packed a few belongings for her son.
Shoving the rucksack into Peter's arms, she pointed him towards the door.
"Go to the house in the country and just... relax. You could use it. Take care of my garden for me while you're there."
"I don't know how to--," he began lamely, unable to come up with any other excuse that would get him out of going to the vacation house in the woods.
"Oh, tosh," Angela interrupted him. "Now go. The key is in the planter, you'll just need to pick up some food."
Giving his mother one more probing look, Peter sighed and resigned to his fate, he clambered into the waiting car and sat back for the long ride.
The house in the country was just as he remembered; quaint and colorful. In a fit inspired by Marie Antoinette herself, his mother had a small cozy house outfitted with a working farm, acres of meadow and fruit bearing trees as far as he could see. They owned everything that butted up against the dark line of the heavy forest and nothing beyond.
Standing on the back patio with its flat red and black flagstones, Peter surveyed the meadow and then the forest.
It was like night and day, he thought; warm sunny and bright in the open, dark and foreboding where the trees loomed tall. To say the least, it was an interesting combination.
Take care of the garden, rang his mother's words.
There was a metal watering can waiting at the edge of the patio. Peter scooped it up and using the hose at the side of the house, he filled it with cool, clear water. The garden was hemmed in by a delightful white picket fence. At the back edge of the fence was a gate that opened out into the forest. Peter remembered being forbidden to go into the forest through that gate, even if it was just to run down to the river and play with Nathan and the boys. Walking into the garden, Peter stared at that gate and was seized with an urge to go down to the river. He was an adult after all, and there was no one there to stop him. He could go into the forest and still take care of himself. He had faced down worse. Much worse.
Later, he thought. Maybe do some swimming when I get there. But not before getting the watering out of the way.
Not knowing how to tackle the rows upon rows of fresh glistening vegetables and fruits, Peter took in a deep breath and set to work, sprinkling water over everything.
"Well, well. If it isn't Peter Petrelli," chuckled a voice.
Startled, Peter whipped around. He clutched the curved handle of watering can in both hands and frowned at the sight of Sylar, of all people, leaning nonchalantly against the gate that led from the deep woods and into the garden.
He was leaning too close to the lock part of the gate, Peter noticed uneasily. Where had he come from? The woods?
Letting the water pail hang in one hand, Peter tentatively lifted the other in greeting.
"Uh, good morning!"
Sylar shifted his weight, leaning more heavily upon the waist high white door. It creaked a bit beneath him. There was a “Good Bye!” placard gaily painted with red and yellow flowers hanging from the doorknob and it clacked a bit nervously when Sylar bounced against the door.
“Oh, come now, Peter, such formality,” he drawled. “I thought we were friends. We’re neighbors, after all. Twenty miles apart, but neighbors nonetheless.”
Peter let the "friends" comment go right over his head.
"You live around here?"
A queer look came over Sylar's face and a half-grin quirked the corner of his mouth. No, he didn't live around there, but one of his victims did; a sweet old man who practically gave himself up for the slaughter.
"Yes, of course I do. Why would I be all the way out here? Certainly not stalking *you*."
There was a dry mocking tone in Sylar's voice that didn't sit very well with Peter. He wanted to end the confrontation right then and there.
"Well, I don't have time for you so..."
He upended the last of the water onto a particularly healthy tomato plant and turned to walk back to the house to get more water.
If there was one thing Sylar hated, he hated being ignored. He let out a low growl and pressed his full weight against the gate. He watched Peter aimlessly water the plants and his impatience grew and grew.
But, he caught himself.
Where were his manners? Peter wouldn't respond to just any bait, it had to be sweet and selfless and tasty, just like Peter himself. Sylar's mouth watered just from the sight of Peter. So, Sylar smiled his best wolfish smile and waited until he had Peter's attention again.
"Why are you still here?" asked Peter, glancing at Sylar out of the corner of his eye.
He saw the man's long fingers toy idly with the gate's lock.
"I was hoping to be invited in for tea."
"Fat chance," Peter shot back and Sylar's grin lengthened.
"Why not?"
Why not?? Sylar must be insane to think that anything as normal as having tea could take place between them.
Peter stared at him and Sylar waited hopefully.
Sylar then popped the lock and the gate slowly swung open. Peter dropped the watering can.
“Wh-what are you doing?!” he cried in alarm. “You—you’re trespassing!”
Sylar shook his head and gently nudged the door farther open with his knee. Spreading his hands wide, he held his palms upraised as if in supplication. Sylar grinned fully now, his white teeth glinting in the bright sun and his heart picked up speed as he took that first step into the forbidden garden. Delicious.
“There’s no need to get excited, Peter,” he said, his voice low and solicitous. “I just want to… talk.”
As Sylar advanced upon him, Peter stood his ground. Before he knew it, Sylar had reached out, laced his fingers into Peter's hair and had yanked him into a bruising kiss. Peter laughed a bit and threw himself into the kiss. Sylar bit his lip before drawing back. He grinned.
"Why are you here, Sylar?" Peter asked and in return he got that usual enigmatic smile accompanied by an insolent one shouldered shrug.
"Honing my tracking skills," he offered, but didn't sound too convinced himself.
"Yeah, ok, whatever," Peter laughed.
"Now," said Sylar, snatching the watering can from Peter's hand, "how about that... tea? I'm feeling rather... ravenous."
"Fuck the tea, I've got something else in mind. Mom wanted me to relax, so help me to relax."
Sylar's grin returned.
"Lead on, Peter."
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