First.... ZQ looked entirely too thin! Was he filming this during Star Trek? But, I did love his hair. It was gelled and whatnot, but it wasn't the helmet hair he was sporting in the last season. I STILL love spiky haired Sylar, but I don't think he's going to come back. The haircut was forced upon him and he was just making due until it grew back to Gabriel length.
Second.... NO SIGN OF MOHINDER! I mean, wtf? Even Sandra had a brief appearance. So now the show is lily white. Funny though, there were seriously no black people on that show, but the "police recovery group" that Matt was apart of had like 4. What's that saying?
Third.... I didn't give a damn about any of the bland characters. And oh GOD PLEASE!!! Please please please please do not pair Tracy with Noah. Please please. I know he's lonely, but please don't make him make that mistake. For my sanity, please.
Fourth.... Nathan!Sylar unconsciously pulling the coffee mug towards him, noticing, but then unable to draw upon the power consciously. That was a nice touch. And mmmm Sylar in a suit. It was like *BAM!* here's Sylar! Here's Sylar in a suit! Here's Sylar in a suit looking yummy (with yummy hair)!
Fifth.... Sylar had the best line in the whole show! He's taunting Matt in the interrogation room and says, "No wonder Janice is having sex with the pool guy. She's looking for a real man, someone who isn't afraid of power, someone who knows what to do with it." And the way ZQ delivers it is fantastic!
Sixth.... As much as I love you Sylar, you are campy and kinda swishy. Now all we need is the dramatic twirl! Not that, that's a bad thing. He used to be kind of menacing, now... not so much. And what's with the added "Seriously, what's that about... seriously?" to his script? He must have said "seriously?" in question to something Matt was doing and that really didn't sit well with me. I think Sylar is capable of much more eloquence than that. I wonder who's writing this season?
Seventh.... The whole premise seems paltry. So this strange carnival needs to seize not only Hiro, but Tracey, Sylar and Peter for whatever nefarious purposes. *rolls eyes* Though........... this might give us an opportunity to have some Gabriel again, if there is time traveling involved. All I know is that (from the trailer) once they shoot and bury Nathan, it's Sylar that emerges from the grave. That can't be at the end, because the evil carnies want him. So he'll have to show up in the flesh much earlier than the finale. That means, no more Adrian, which I totally don't mind. See you, it was nice knowing you, I think your character has had his run.
So, I give it 2 1/2 out of five stars. I'm not looking forward to the rest of the show... now that I have to actually wait to watch the next episode like the rest of the humans! I am surprised, though that there was no squee at either zqfans, heroesland or team sylar. Are these people asleep, and not playing, or what? I want Team Sylar to win, of course, but it doesn't seem like most of the team is contributing... or even actively talking. Even the mod didn't answer a question that was thrown her way, so I don't know if I can expect competition during this challenge thing. I, for one, am not going to bust my arse trying to participate, if the rest of my team isn't. I'm actually kind of over the excitement of being on Team Sylar, now it's just... "is it january yet?" I think that's when the challenge season is over. *shrugs*
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