Not to fucking menion that our company allows us to use MSN messenger and everyone who works with the company worldwide has access to it, so I could be chatting with someone in Australia right now if I was signed it. That's how it goes. So, outside of the blackberry texting, I hear the rapid fire typing (one chick has those fake nail tips and it's loud as hell on the keys) of people chatting back and forth through aim. Now, I know this isn't work related and that they're shooting the breeze, because occasional I hear a "HAHA!" or "oh my god" comment. Yeah, real work related. I can gripe because I leave my bullshitting for when I get out of work. I don't do that kind of thing at work.
Next is the woman who sits two cubes from me and who loves her daily marathon phone calls. I mean marathon, like 2-3 hours just sitting back talking Chinese and bothering the fuck out of me. So apparently she bugged her supervisor who sits in the same row so much that she moved to another row. Ok, why not tell the woman to get the fuck off of the phone rather than being chicken and taking off.
Oh shit, I just heard the Chinese lady come back. Let's see how long it takes for her to get on the phone.
Oh another thing about the Chinese lady is that she eats at her desk and out of a glass bowl with a plastic spoon. The only reason I know this is that I can hear her fishing for rice with that spoon and scraping the spoon all across the glass bowl. It makes the most hellish noise and I want to rip my eyes out. Or hers, which ever gets me into less trouble.
I really hope that I'm doing little things to annoy them as well, because they fucking deserve it. But, I don't think so. Not because I'm such the perfect coworker, but because they are so oblivious to anything but themselves... who knows.
Jesus. I want to say at least it's friday, but fuck, I still have to come back on Monday. I'm going out to play some guitar tonight with a friend. That'll soothe my insane brain.
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