Sunday, August 16, 2009

I found a house... I think. It's all on one floor and while the description boasts 3 bedrooms, I can't see how... considering the size. It looks like it would be in a fabulous rural area, but I can't make a judgment until I actually see it in person. And that goes for the ones that I think are ugly. There were a few nice ones but they have pools. I'm not really into having a pool. All I can think of is the maintenance and all that. I wonder if it would be worth it to have the pool taken out or to have it sealed and not used. *shrugs*

Yesterday I was looking to post, just staring at the blog, but I was feeling like hell. The morning started off ok, regularly... I ran some errands, thought about life and then came back home. It's hot and I"m drinking like a fish and then suddenly this headache comes on. It couldn't have been because of the blood sugar being low, because I'd eaten so I don't know. Maybe it was the heat. So I jump into a cold shower to bring the body temp down, but while that was soothing, it didn't help. SO I laid down for a little while, feeling dizzy and a bit nauseous. When a nap didn't work, I popped an aspirin and tried again. Meh... felt better after a few hours, but really didn't get out of the bed for the rest of the night. I put in "Push" with beautiful Chris Evans and watched that. God, this boy is gorgeous and has amazing eyelashes ;). It'll be nice to see him doing his thing in The Losers.

I was reading another woman's blog and she posed a question as to whether you were walking dead during the week, but counting the hours to live on the weekend. Um... yes. How many times have I gotten up in the morning, groaning and groping for something, only to immediately picture what lunch would be like and then finally walking out into the parking lot and going home. Home right now is really starting to get on my nerves, but hopefully soon I'll fins a place of my own. I don't know if I'll be able to do anything to change my work situation; it's a decent no brainer job, with decent pay and health care. I'm not sure if I want to buck that in favor for something more unstable, especially this time in my life.

Mood: : Bouncy

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