I always get these bouts of wanting to download a shit load of music and then put it on my touch. And even when I do that, I never listen to the music that I've put on there. Right now I'm just listening/watching the fanvids I've ripped from youtube. So let's say that I liked "the sex has made me stupid" by robots in disguise... then I'll go out and dl their album. I'll listen to their caterwalling, because in this example, those chicks are really just... squalling, but always gravitate back to the song that was used in the fanvid and nix all the other songs. Though, in this example, I really only like a few of their more coherent songs.
hmmm.... who to download now?
And tell me, yay, or yay.... Would Gabriel Gray jizz his pants over this watch? What if said watch came in broken on the wrist of Noah Bennet? I think fucking would commence. ;)

: Bouncy
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