But, shite, where are they! I have the empty case and no headphones. Now I'm on a mission.
You know, somethines I think I just makes posts to use my Sylar moodtheme. *snickers* But he's sooo kyute! Oh speaking of cute, as much as I hate Wallmart and think it's worse than threading through zombies and ghetto hood rats, I went yesterday in search of those big plastic tumblers. No luck, so in my irritation (abbreviated story here) I stormed out, not before passing the magazine rack and who was smirking out at me from the stand was dear old Banaboy. Man was he gorgeous, spiky hair, youthful and just mmmmm....
That doesn't mean that I'll subject myself to The Time Traveler's Wife, but he was damn yummy on that cover. I didn't bother to thumb through to his article as I was losing brain cells just standing there and to maintain my sanity, I had to bolt. But, mmm he was cute :D
Oh and someone did a real music video with TOS Spock and Uhura. None of this still photos set to music. I hate those. I really do. Fuck, I can do that. I don't need for you to do it for me. Haha... that was mean. Anyway someojne used clips from the show and put together this cute romantic video. I didn't much care fo the song that they used, but still I was pleased that it was there. Yay. I'm at work now, or I would puyt it up. I don't feel like digging through youtube to do it, so there. I'm taking an edtended lunch it would seemk, watching Mylar videos on my itouch while I typs this entry. It's weird to be looking at the fanvid, listening to it through the headphones and typing, not looking at the computer screen. Talk about doing more than one thing at a time. I think it's really fascinating and quite an interesting exercise in how well your mind can work coherently on one or more thing. I've always thought that I was incapable of paying attention to more than one thing. Like if there is music playing, I could never concentrate on something that I was studying or reading. Which is why I hate having music playing in the lab when I'm working. My mind will wander and then I'll be skipping steps in the document and then I'll screw everything up trying to pay attention to one thing or another. Maybe it's only for one setting like thatk where I really have to concentrate. As I'm typing this, I'm hearing my voice dictating what I"m writing in my head, also while listening to the singer sing the song in my ears and watching clips from Heroes. I am absolutely fascinated with what I'm doing right now. I guess that's why this paragraph is stretching longer than it should. I'm just free thinking and marveling at the fact that I'm doing what I'm doing. And the cool thing is, is that I'm aware of the things I'm doing. I'm not just tuyning out the music, or not concentrating on what the images are in front of me.
... gotta switch vids, now, let's see hos long I can keep going with this. Ooo a Paris one... man does Leonard have really nice toes. Odd thing that, nice toes, but he was wearing sandals in that one episode and the shot panned up from his feet to his face. I know that I talked about this before, how nice his toes were, but damn they're nice. I wonder what they look like now. Ummm no, I don't want to know that. Man he was fine as a young man... jesus. I wonder if he was aware that he was attractive, or did he just consider himself a geek. He never gave me the impression that he was into himself like that. So... maybe he didn't think of himself that way.
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