Right, enough with the griping... at least for now. I've decided to work on my pissy outlook on life. It's not really me, per se, it's my workplace. It brings out the worst in me. It really does. It screws up with my happy optomistic tendencies and I don't like it. So, now I've decided not to take it so seriously. Not to take things so seriously and life altering and just have some bloody fucking fun. My life is soooo fucking boring that I could cry. Literally weep buckets, that's how boring it is. I need something. No, not drugs or shit like that, I'm not about screwing with my body, I do that enough *waggles brows*... I am just wanting something, something genuinely fun and exciting.
I suppose everyone is looking for that, eh?
But, for me, it can't be summed up with a trip to the beach or to an amusement park... that kind of thing isn't very fun... and it's boring. Maybe I'm looking for something more dangerous. You know, like those bored housewives who start swinging... haha. no... that's fucked.
Maybe I need to join a demolition derby team and crack some heads. Maybe I should get into a fight at a bar... nah, those fools would follow me out and shoot me or something. Maybe a tattoo... or a piercing in an intimate place.......
I could never really get into a tattoo, because my tastes change so much, so rapidly that whatever design I choose would have to be something very personal and very fitting. I have no idea what that would be though, so... I'll stay away from the permanent ones. I prefer either drawing on myself, or getting the lickandstick ones.
Meh... and man am I so bloated right now. i fucking hate getting my period. There should be an out clause about having it or not having it. I don't mind the bleeding, it's whatever... but the nightmares, the bad moods, the cravings the terrible sleep the bloating... all that shit I can do without. It's unfair and I don't want fucking kids, so why the fuck should I have to go through this shit every fucking months. At least it lasts only a few days, but still, it's a pain in the arse.
Man, this must be my swearing post. How many four letter words can I cram into this post? *laughs*
I started up with the guitar again... have to build up the calluses again. Painful stuff. I wish I hadn't waited so long to pick it up again. It's not like I didn't have any time. I have plenty of time, lack of interest. Bored. See! There it is again. Bored. Bored Bored.
I need to strike that word from my vocabularly. There was a quote from Vigs where he said that there is no excuse to be bored in life. Amen to that Aragorn ;)
Anyway, I'm knee deep in The Losers and am enjoying it very much. Only one complaint and that's with my girl Aisha. Um... doesn't she own clothes that completely cover her belly? Are all her shirts that tight over her bulging breasts that they don't meet the top of her skin tight jeans? I'm asking one of the guest artists, now... Jock's been pretty good about dressing the woman in appropriate clothing. Ok, I'll give the fanboys the boobs, which fortunately are a decent size without being obscene. And what's with drawing on the nipples, eh? Women have nipples, we get it. Sometimes they poke out against the shirt she's wearing, we get it. Sometimes they don't, depending on the type of shirt and bra that she's wearing. Sometimes the nipples point upwards... most times not. Sometimes they get hard when she's experiencing a strong emotion; (as does everyone who has nipples and that covers oh... everyone). Aisha is a woman, who has nipples that may or may not point upwards but godfuckingdamn, do we have to see that she has nipples in every shot. Well, not every shot, but the majority of shots.
I mean, come the fuck on. There was a fantastic panel of her when she stood up to confront Clay after she found out that he was the one who shot her father under Max's manipulation. Great, fierce looking up at her shot, looking ready to spill some blood and what else? Pointy nipples. I literally growled at the page. It was a fantastic moment, fantastic posing and action and expression and for me it was spoiled by that. It said to me, "oh, she's a fighter, powerful woman who takes no shit, but lookit! She's got boobies! oogle her boobies and forget about her emotions and how she's about to kick Clay's balls into his throat".
I'm asking too much, I know... for male artists to treat women like humans, because frankly, men don't give a damn and they know to whom they're catering. Fanboys who pop a boner at the mere hint of a nipple. While female fans are evidently present, the majority are male. So all this ranting is for naught.
But on a whole, she's handled pretty well. I like her a lot. I can't wait to see how they handle Zoe with it. I hope they bulk the girl up, because she is skinny and woul dbe unbelievable in hand to hand combat. Running and shooting, find, but trying to break some guy's neck or bring him down, she'll need some muscle. But you know hollywood... the skinnier the better.
And what post would be complete without a passing mention of La Quinto. Um... I've been revisiting Mylar videos and they are so much fun. Makes me want to buy some cloves again. I have a few left, but they're stale and nasty, bleh. But those jokers are 8 dollars a pack. That's a lot for recreational smoking.
Oh great, my coworker just sat down and already I'm annoyed. *breathe, breathe* Yellow.... *snickers*

: Wanting to tear shit up