Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Quinto is reading the novelization of the ST movie. Apparently he does a good job with the voices and whatnot. I'd like to hear it. I do like audio books, but if I don't like the voice, I can't do it. CAN'T!!!

I've only heard Quinto do a southern accent, which was really nice and seamless. So, I have hope that he'll sound ok. But that slight lisp he has... dunno it that would work.


Oh, I downloaded the ST movie now I have to winzip it together. It looks like decent quality and apparently the sound is ok. I kind of want to see it again, but I will not go to the theater again. NOT!!! I can only withstand it once a year.

I think I'll snag the soundtrack as well.

Remember the sore throat I keep having, well it hasn't really gone away. It seems to come back every night, intensifying when I get sleepy. So, I've been taking tylenol and it seems to help. I'm seriously thinking that it's bad allergies this year. I've never had this before.

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