So upon my return, I have a really adorable Uhura-manip:
(created by Gary at
Sugah, I love it. I love that when Nichelle said "hello, sugah," in one of the TOS outtakes, fan ficcers and manipers have run with that and it's almost become fannon/cannon.
And because I love youtube vids, as you probably know, here's another. I really like the song, but the space hippies in one of the clips just makes me growl. I haven't actually *seen* that episode (or rather remember seeing that episode) but it just look so dumb. With Spock bobbing his head to whatever music they're playing... I dunno. I think they were playing a little loose and fast with his character there. But, outside of that, I liked the vid and the song. Good thing about fanvids, is that I discover music that I wouldn't have come across any other way :)
Oh, another note on this vid; I LOVE Mirror!Spock. I mean, I think I like him more than regular Spock. *Gasps* I know! Unheard of. The snazzy neatly trimmed goatee and the agonizer, the knee high boots emphasizing those long, long legs, the potential for unprovoked violence and the mind raping of poor McCoy... what's not to love??? *laughs* The 6'' action figure of him is calling to me from Amazon. I will resist though.
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